BAKU: Relations Between Turkey And Armenia Are Not Sincere

Leyla Tagiyeva
March 3 2010

Nizami Jafarov News.Az interviews Nizami Jafarov, chairman of the
Azerbaijani parliament’s culture committee.

How would recognition of the killings of Armenians in Ottoman Turkey
as "genocide" affect the situation in the region? Can the visit
of Azerbaijani deputies to the United States prevent this decision
being taken?

It is necessary to speak out about this danger, but there is no need
for Azerbaijani deputies to visit the United States as the question
of the "Armenian genocide" of 1915 is at issue. These hearings are
not within the competence of Azerbaijani deputies, but I think Murat
Mercan’s committee [the Turkish Grand National Assembly’s foreign
relations committee] should take part in these hearings. But this is
not the only issue. In fact, there is no need to prove the historic
or any other side of the issue to the US Congress. It is necessary
to show political power. I would like to repeat that there is no need
to present scientific proof in Congress as the United States is well
aware of this proof.

Who may influence opinion in the House of Representatives?

We are now facing the Armenian diaspora. Today the Armenian diaspora
urges us to demonstrate our political will to prove that Turks did not
commit genocide in 1915. But instead we should find the mechanisms
through which Armenians manage to present events that occurred a
century ago and understand why the world believes this.

Will Azerbaijan have to review its relations with the United States
if the "Armenian genocide" is recognized in Congress?

No, I think the attitude of the Azerbaijani side to the United
States differs from US-Turkish relations because Azerbaijan, as one
of the republics of the former USSR, is a country that has built
the most appropriate relations with the United States. Meanwhile,
Turkey is a NATO member, which means that relations between Turkey
and the United States are discussed on quite a different level and
in quite a different context. Therefore, Ankara can say that it may
review relations with the United States if the "Armenian genocide"
is recognized. But, the attitude to the United States in Azerbaijan is
different. Our system of relations with the United States differs from
Turkey’s. We have built everything on the necessary level and we are an
independent state. We can discuss this issue with Turkey on the level
of strategic allies without binding relations to the United States.

In other words, recognition of the mythical "Armenian genocide" in
the US Congress will not lead to profound changes in US-Azerbaijani
relations. Any relations between Turkey and the United States have
nothing to do with US-Azerbaijani relations. We are an independent
state and we conduct our own policy.

What can the Azerbaijani parliament do if the "Armenian genocide"
is recognized by the US Congress?

We have already sent appeals to the US Congress. Our relations
connected with history are statistical, that is we have already voiced
our position on this issue.

What do you think of the proposal in the Azerbaijani parliament that
the Turkish parliament would have to recognize the "Khojaly genocide"
if the "Armenian genocide" were recognized in the US Congress?

We have never demanded that the Turkish Grand National Assembly
recognize the Khojaly events as an act of genocide. The essence of our
state policy is that we are responsible for disseminating information
about the Khojaly events in the world. There is no need to demand
recognition of the Khojaly genocide by Turkey. Turkey has a separate
political history and there is a certain limit beyond which it is
clear that Turkey cannot do it [recognize the Khojaly genocide]. In
turn, we should also not insist on this issue.

We wage the political struggle not by making sacrifices to our close,
fraternal country, but by a correlation of powers in the contemporary
world. Certainly, our public in Turkey and Azerbaijan are similar,
we are a single nation, but there are also other states with the same
nation throughout the world.

Would recognition of the "Armenian genocide" in the US Congress
influence the normalization of relations between Turkey and Armenia?

Relations between Turkey and Armenia are a gesture by Turkey. They are
not sincere. Such relations are seasonal, that is, they pass. Turkey
has made gestures. On the other hand, there is Russia, which maintains
good relations with Turkey. This means that Turkey makes these gestures
within the framework of relations with Russia.

In addition, the United States also puts pressure on Turkey. In turn,
Turkey builds its relations with Syria and Iran within the framework
of this pressure. Relations between Turkey and Georgia have already
been settled and now it is Armenia’s turn. The complication is
that the protocols envisaging the normalization of Turkish-Armenian
relations have been a gesture from the very beginning. These gestures
and football diplomacy are put on for the public’s benefit.

What country or political force could be held responsible for
frustrating the normalization of relations between Turkey and Armenia?

Naturally, the responsibility lies with the United States, Russia and
France. In other words, these countries are responsible not for the
completion of the process of normalization of relations between Turkey
and Armenia, but for the normalization of ties between Azerbaijan,
Armenia and Turkey.

Will this influence resolution of the Karabakh conflict?

Of course, the frustration will have a negative impact on this process,
but we are ready for this. Azerbaijan, as a state, society and nation,
is ready for this. Azerbaijan does not fear that the Karabakh conflict
will not be settled today or tomorrow. The situation will be settled
in Azerbaijan’s favour, sooner or later.

Nizami Jafarov is chairman of the Milli Majlis culture committee,
head of the Azerbaijan-Turkey interparliamentary working group, head
of the Ataturk Centre and a correspondent member of the Azerbaijan
National Academy of Sciences.