Categories: News

It Was Not The United Opposition’s Rally


05:31 pm | March 02, 2010 |

Leaders of "Heritage" faction didn’t take part in the Armenian National
Congress rally and march yesterday. Instead, "Heritage" representatives
went to Myasnikyan statue to pay homage to the victims of March 1.

Why didn’t they join the ANC? In response, head of the "Heritage"
faction Stepan Safaryan told "A1+" that the supporters and members of
"Heritage" were free to choose where to go and many took part in the
Congress rally.

"It was not mandatory for the political party to be present as an
institutional unit. But that doesn’t mean that we are indifferent
or don’t respond to the events organized by the ANC," said Stepan

As far as organizing a separate rally is concerned, Safaryan said that
the "Heritage" youth wing had set an hour. The representatives of the
older generation of the party members joined the initiative and paid
tribute to the citizens who risked their lives for the civil struggle.

Safaryan said that the reason why "Heritage" leaders were not at the
Matenadaran was that in addition to their speeches from time to time,
they have always been among the people.

"Yesterday was the rally organized by the ANC and not the united
opposition or Armenia’s opposition for us to be there."

Zaminian Bedik:
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