Obama’s View Of History Has Not Changed


03.03.2010 17:39

Ahead of the vote on the Armenian Genocide Resolution (H. Res. 252)
at the Foreign Relations Committee of the US House of representatives,
US National Security Council spokesman has declared that President
Obama’s view on history has not changed.

US President Barack Obama pledged during his election campaign
that he would recognise the killings as genocide, but disappointed
Armenian-American supporters when he refrained from using the term
in his message last year to commemorate the killings.

"His view of that history has not changed," said US National Security
Council spokesman Mike Hammer. "Our interest remains the achievement
of a full, frank, and just acknowledgement of the facts."

"The best way to advance that goal is for the Armenian and Turkish
people to address the facts of the past as a part of their ongoing
efforts to normalize relations," said Hammer.

"We will continue to support these efforts vigorously in the months
ahead," said the spokesman.