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President Serzh Sargsyan Received The Chairman Of The European Peopl


March 4 2010

Today, the President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan received the Chairman
of the European People’s Party Wilfried Martens and his delegation.

President Sargsyan stressed the importance of the visit of the high
ranking officials of the pan-European structures to Armenia and said
that visits such as this one open new horizons on Armenia’s road
toward Eurointegration. "We view ourselves as Europeans and strive
to live by the standards of the European family, by its values and
in this regard our course is clear," the President of Armenia stressed.

He also highlighted the importance of frequent visits and integration
on a inter-party level.

Serzh Sargsyan congratulated the Chairman of the European People’s
Party with the entering into force of the Treaty of Lisbon and said,
"As has been mentioned on many occasions, it opens new opportunities
for the enhancement of the role of the European Parliament, and
Europe’s role in general."

Wilfried Martens said that Armenia’s three coalition parties –
Republican Party of Armenia, Prosperous Armenia, and Orinats Erkir –
have applied for the membership in the European People’s Party. He
also informed that a EPP mission will soon visit Armenia to study
their applications and to start the process of accession.

The President of Armenia and the Chairman of the European People’s
Party discussed issues of Armenia’s Eurointegration and deepening
cooperation between Armenia and the EPP. Wilfried Martens said that
Armenia is a European country, member of the European Council, part of
the European Partnership program. In his turn, Serzh Sargsyan said that
Armenia views the European Partnership as a "window of opportunity"
and strives to make the best of the offered opportunities and conduct
large-scale reforms in different areas.

The parties exchanged also views on regional developments and the NK
peace process. On all these issues President Serzh Sargsyan presented
the viewpoint of official Yerevan.

Tashjian Arbi:
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