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Aide says Armenia resolution won’t get full US House vote

The Daily Inquirer –
March 6 2010

Aide says Armenia resolution won’t get full US House vote

A congressional aide said that Democratic lawmakers bowed to concerns
expressed by the Obama administration and agreed not to schedule a
full House vote on a resolution that labels as genocide the killing of
Armenians in Ottoman Turkey.

The House Democratic leadership aide said yesterday that Congressional
leaders have no plans at this time for a chamber vote on the measure,
which a House committee approved on March 4. The aide spoke on the
condition of anonymity.

On a 23-22 vote, the resolution passed the House Foreign Affairs
Committee. Turkey responded by recalling its ambassador in Washington
for consultations.

While attending a conference in Costa Rica on March 4, US Secretary of
State Hillary Clinton had spoken out against a full House vote.
President Barack Obama’s administration `strongly opposes the
resolution,’ she reiterated yesterday.

Before word surfaced of the leadership’s decision yesterday in
Washington, State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley said that a full
House vote would `impede the normalization process between Turkey and
Armenia. The best way for Turkey and Armenia to address their shared
past is through ongoing negotiations.’


Nahapetian Samvel:
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