Armen Rustamyan: Armenians are right, Armenia
March 5 2010

Armen Rustamyan: Armenians are right

14:10 / 03/05/2010 The approval of the Armenian Genocide resolution by
the U.S. House Committee on Foreign Affairs is the Armenian lobby’s
great achievement, which, however, is the result of greater efforts
this year as compared to the previous years, Chairman of the Committee
on Foreign Affairs, RA Parliament, Executive Council member, Armenian
Revolutionary Federation (Dashnaktsutyun) (ARFD), Armen Rustamyan told
a press conference.

He stressed that the Armenian-Turkish negotiations and relevant
protocols complicated Armenian lobbyists’ task. `Striking evidence
thereof was the speeches made by the Congressmen that referred to the
Armenian-Turkish negotiations as a major argument against the
resolution. Many of them even quoted Armenian President Serzh
Sargsyan, who said that Yerevan would greatly benefit from the
approval of the Armenian-Turkish protocols, and the Congressmen were
justifying their refusal to vote for the resolution by their
unwillingness to cause any damage to, first of all, Armenia’s
interests,’ Rustamyan said. He pointed out that several months ago the
ARFD warned about a negative impact the Armenian-Turkish protocols
could have on the international recognition of the Armenian Genocide.
He stressed that the lobbyists had to exert tremendous efforts to
ensure at least one vote more in favor of the resolution. `The
majority was ensured at the last moment, and only those who did it
know the cost,’ Rustamyan said. He stressed that the Armenian lobby’s
positions were very strong until Turkish delegations arrived in

Rustamyan said that the Turkish delegations `worked hard,’ being well
prepared and consulting each businessman. `But I must say that the
Armenian delegation’s arrival in Washington at the last moment has a
positive effect on the atmosphere at the Committee and cheered up the
proponents of the resolution,’ Rustamyan said. He stressed that the
work aimed at getting the Armenian Genocide internationally recognized
will be more effective if not only Hay Dat (Armenian Cause) offices,
but also the Armenian State deals with the problem. `One thing is when
only one party conducts negotiations, which makes the impression that
it is only Dashnaktsutyun that is concerned with this, another thing
is when consultations are held in cooperation with Armenian officials.
In the latter case, the international community will realize the issue
is of state importance for Armenia,’ Rustamyan.

Speaking of the voting, Rustamyan said that the 23 Congressmen that
voted for the resolution did so listening to the voice of conscience.
He stated that the approval of the resolution has been the first
success in the process of international recognition of the Armenian
Genocide since the Armenian-Turkish protocols were signed, as well as
against the recent `lull’ in the process. Rustamyan stressed that the
Armenian side’s success should show Ankara that, despite all its
efforts, the struggle for the international recognition of the
Armenian Genocide will go on. `Even if Ankara consolidated its
positions after signing the Armenian-Turkish protocols, the Armenians
are right, which makes us strong,’ Rustamyan said. In this context he
pointed out the necessity for getting prepared for vote at the U.S.
Congress. He pointed out that the ARFD will go on contributing to
progress in this matter. `If Armenian organizations, ARF and official
Yerevan marshal their efforts, we can achieve success,’ Rustamyan
