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Armenian Deputy FM Meets with Slovenian Officials

Armenian Deputy Foreign Minister Meets with Slovenian Officials,
Participates in Cultural Festival

11:31 ¢ 06.03.10

Deputy Foreign Minster of Armenia Karine Ghazinyan and her Slovenian
counterpart Dragoljuba BenÄ?ina held consultations on March 5 in the
Slovenian capital of Ljubljana. The two diplomats discussed several
issues relating to bilateral and multilateral cooperation, regional
and international developments, the Eastern Partnership Program, and
cooperation between Armenia and Slovenia within international

While speaking about cooperation between the two countries in such
areas as trade, science and culture, Ghazinyan and BenÄ?ina agreed upon
the importance of revitalizing the political dialogue between Armenia
and Slovenia and realizing unused potential of economic ties.

They also expressed their gratitude for a cultural festival in
Slovenia titled `Armenia Up Close,’ which features exhibits, concerts,
theatre, and lectures running from December 2009 to June 2010.

Karine Ghazinyan placed importance on implementing a provision
outlined in the Eastern Partnership Program that refers to the
`simplification of visa regime and citizens’ free movement in a secure
environment.’ Dragoljuba BenÄ?ina, in turn, said Slovenia was ready to
provide support in this area.

On the same day, the Armenian deputy foreign minister was welcomed by
the Slovenian Secretary State of Culture Stoyan Pelko. Later she was
expected to attend a cultural and historic exhibit titled `Armenian
Tradition between the Secular and the Sacred’ that has opened in
Cankarjev dom Cultural Centre in Ljubljana.


Khoyetsian Rose:
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