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Azerbaijan likely to withdraw Ambassador from U.S.

news.am, Armenia
March 5 2010

Azerbaijan likely to withdraw Ambassador from U.S.

14:29 / 03/05/2010Azerbaijan should bring up the issue of recalling
its Ambassador from U.S to the Government and Foreign Ministry,
Azerbaijani MP Gudrat Hasanguliyev stated commenting on the adoption
of Armenian Genocide Resolution by the U.S. House Committee on Foreign

According to him, Baku should take appropriate measures in response to
the U.S. Congressmen’s decision. Besides, the fact that U.S. does not
appoint an Ambassador to Azerbaijan for a while is a display of
disrespect to Azerbaijan.

`The protraction of the Ambassador’s appointment has concrete
political goals. U.S. uses it as a tool to pressurize Azerbaijan,’ the
Parliamentarian said.

As NEWS.am reported previously, March 4, the U.S. House Committee on
Foreign Affairs adopted Armenian Genocide Resolution. After discussing
it for several hours, the Committee approved Armenian Resolution by a
vote of 23 to 22.


Vardapetian Ophelia:
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