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BAKU: Azerbaijan is in solidarity with Turkey

APA, Azerbaijan
March 6 2010

Elnur Aslanov: Azerbaijan is in solidarity with Turkey, we call on the
Congress to give up illusory claims of Armenians

[ 06 Mar 2010 17:06 ]

Baku. Lachin Sultanova ` APA. `The passage of the so-called Armenian
genocide resolution by the U.S. House Committee on Foreign Affairs is
the demonstration of double standards,’ said Elnur Aslanov, chief of
the political analysis and informational provision department of
Azerbaijan’s Presidential Administration, APA reports.

Elnur Aslanov said first of all, one-vote margin after the recount was
`Secondly, by raising the issues not basing on historical facts, the
US that speaks about democracy and human rights demonstrates biased
position. The discussion of the events that happened 95 years ago does
not serve peace and stability in the South Caucasus. The lawmakers,
who strive to reveal the truth, should know that on February 26, 1992,
the Armenian side committed Khojaly genocide that may be compared with
the most terrible manslaughters. If the congressmen need truth, then
why the Committee on Foreign Affairs does not raise the Khojaly issue
or demand the punishment of the perpetrators. Why doesn’t the U.S.
Congress speak about the genocide of Azerbaijanis by Armenians in
Baku, Guba, Lankaran, Salyan and Shamakhy in March 1918? Why does the
Congress believe the words of the side that declared Hamazasp,
Adronik, Nzhde and Dro, who stained their hands with the blood of
thousands of innocent people? Why has the Committee on Foreign Affairs
been ignoring for 22 years the violation of the rights of one million
people by Armenia? Do some congressmen serve the interests of the U.S.
society or personal interests? All this casts shadow on the sincerity
of the statements on the stability in the South Caucasus. ‘

Similar steps are blow to the ideals of democracy of America. How can
the country that strives to export democratic values and ideas defend
blindly the interests of a group of Armenian Diaspora organizations
and their lobbyists in the Congress? Such steps contradict the desire
of the US to establish peace and stability in various parts of the

Head of the Committee on Foreign Affairs Howard Berman says that he
has been in the Congress for 27 years. Why does he raise the genocide
issue, but ignores Turkey’s proposal to study jointly the historical
facts? Why do the Armenian Diaspora and Armenian leadership brought up
for centuries in the spirit of hatred for Turkey and Azerbaijan
refuses rational and constructive view on historical realities?
Genocide card is a pretext for those who want to exert pressure on
Turkey. The passage of the so-called Armenian genocide resolution in
the House Committee on Foreign Affairs is a historical mistake. The
Turkish people know that in 1915 the super powers made the Armenians
betray the country the lived in. And now they want to use `Armenian
card’ for the sake of their ambitions. But it will fail. The world has
changed. Those who want to trigger instability in the South Caucasus
will lose. Hopefully sense will triumph in the U.S. Congress.

It is clear for us for what the Armenian leadership strives by
protracting the solution to Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict. Azerbaijan
and Turkey are not only geostrategic partners, they are states united
by history, language and religion. Azerbaijan is in solidarity with
Turkey, we call on the Congress to give up illusory claims of
Economic situation is deteriorating in Armenia, political situation
contradicts the norms of democracy, journalists, parliamentarians and
other public figures are in prison. Under the present circumstances,
the U.S. Congress together with the Armenian lobby should discuss the
reasons of this situation and give an objective assessment to it. The
Armenian Diaspora should realize that it does not take into account
Armenia’s future problems by directing funds for making decisions on
the past and groundless issues. Idle resolutions will not be able to
raise the economy collapsed during the crisis, will not create
conditions for regional cooperation, to the contrary will make the
situation in Armenia much worse. One can not feed the people with

Third, I would like to remind Armenian Foreign Minister Edward
Nalbandian, who appeals to the human rights and prevention of crimes
against humanity, that Armenians committed genocide against
Azerbaijani civilians in 1905, 1918, 1992. With the support of
Armenian leadership Armenian extremists killed tens of Turkish and
Azerbaijani political and public figures. Therefore, the Armenian
official should first of all have a look at the history of his country
before speaking about human rights and crimes against humanity,’ he

Dabaghian Diana:
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