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BAKU: Official: "Azerbaijan in solidarity with Turkey and…"

Trend, Azerbaijan
March 6 2010

Official: "Azerbaijan in solidarity with Turkey and we urge U.S
Congress to abandon Armenians’ illusory claims"

06.03.2010 15:13

Political Analysis and Informational Provision Department Head at the
Azerbaijani Presidential Administration Elnur Aslanov commented on the
adoption of a resolution recognizing the so-called "Armenian genocide"
the by the U.S. Congress Foreign Relations Committee.

"The adoption of a resolution recognizing the so-called "Armenian
genocide" by the U.S. Congress Foreign Relations Committee is a vivid
demonstration of double standards." First, the difference of one vote
after the re-conversion confuses. Second, raising the issues
unsubstantiated by any historical facts, the guardians of democracy
and human rights in the face of the U.S. lawmakers speak with a very
tendentious position. Discussion of the issues related to the events
that occurred more than 95 years ago, by the U.S. Congress is not
conducive to peace and stability in the South Caucasus region.
Moreover, the legislators, who are so actively seek the truth, should
know that Armenia committed genocide in Khojali Feb.26, which is a
comparable in scale with the worst examples of extermination of
people. If the truth is so important for the congressmen, so why does
the Foreign Relations Committee not raise the issue of Khojali and
requires perpetrators?

If we look at the history, then why is the U.S. Congress silent on the
genocide of Azerbaijanis committed by Armenian gangs in Baku, Guba,
Lankaran, Salyan and Shamakhi in March 1918? Why does the U.S.
Congress did accepts the truth of "assurances" of the side, who
declared the people who led this mass extermination – Amazasp,
Andronicus, and Nzhde Droz as national heroes and whose hands in the
blood of thousands innocent people? Why does the U.S. Congress Foreign
Relations Committee turned a blind eye to the fact that the rights of
more than one million Azerbaijanis violated by Armenia for 22 years?
The question is, the activity of some Congressmen serves to the
interests of the whole American society or personal mercantile
interests? All this disputes the sincerity of the U.S. intentions to
stabilize the situation in the South Caucasus.

Each such step is a blow to American ideals of democracy. How could
the power that seeks to export democratic values and ideas blindly
defend the interests of a cluster of the Armenian Diaspora
organizations and their lobbyists in the walls of the United States’
legislative body? Such actions are contrary to the spirit and logic of
the U.S. efforts to establish peace and stability in the world.

Why does Foreign Relations Committee Head Mr. Howard Berman, saying
that he is in the Congress for 27 years and raising the question of
"genocide", ignore Turkey’s proposal to Armenia on the joint study of
historical facts? However, the Armenian diaspora and Armenian leaders,
who were taught to hate everything Turkish and Azerbaijani for
centuries, reject rational and constructive look at the historical
realities. The card of "genocide" has become a kind of bargaining chip
in the hands of those who are trying to put pressure on Turkey. The
adoption of a resolution recognizing the so-called "Armenian genocide"
the by the U.S. Congress Foreign Relations Committee is a historic
mistake. The Turkish people remember that in 1915 the Great Powers
deliberately drove the Turkish Armenians to betray the country, where
they live. Now they want to use the "Armenian card" in their ambitious
interests. But it will not work. The world has changed. Those, who
initiate the instability in the South Caucasus, will lose. Let’s hope
that the wisdom will triumph in the U.S. Congress.

Today, we see more clearly a picture of what the Armenian leadership
tends to do, delaying the negotiation process around the
Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict.

Azerbaijan and Turkey are not only geo-strategic allies, but also the
states linked with history, language and religion. Azerbaijan at one
with Turkey and we urge the Congress to abandon the illusory claims of

At a time when the economic situation in Armenia worsens day by day,
the political situation in general contrary to the norms of democracy
and journalists, MPs and other public figures are in prison, the U.S.
Congress together with the Armenian lobby do well to discuss issues
related to the cause of this situation and give a fair assessment to
all this. Armenian Diaspora should also understand that it does not
take into account the future problems of Armenia by directing finance
to make decisions regarding the past and groundless issues. Idle
resolutions will not be able to raise the economy collapsed during the
crisis and not create conditions for regional cooperation, but will
further complicate the unenviable position of Armenia. In short, the
resolutions cannot feed your people.

Third, I would like to remind Armenian Foreign Minister Edward
Nalbandian, who so actively appeals to human rights and the prevention
of anti-human crimes, that it was Armenian bandits, who committed a
genocide against the Azerbaijani civilians in 1905, 1918 and 1992. The
Armenian extremists supported by the Armenian leadership had killed
dozens of Turkish and Azerbaijani politicians and public figures.
Therefore, before speaking on human rights and anti-human crimes, the
Armenian official should first look at the history of his own
state…. "

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS
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