Co-Sponsored by Sherman, Genocide Res. passes committee by 1 vote

States News Service
March 4, 2010 Thursday



The following information was released by the office of California
Rep. Brad Sherman:

In a 23 to 22 vote, the House Foreign Relations Committee passed House
Resolution 252, officially recognizing Armenian Genocide.

If we hope to stop future genocides we need to admit to those horrific
acts of the past. When Hitler had to convince his cohorts that the
world would let them get away with it, he turned to them and said, Who
today speaks of the annihilation of the Armenians?, said Sherman. The
last act of any genocide is genocide denial, and the first act of
preventing the next genocide is to acknowledge past acts of genocide.

Congressman Sherman believes it is high time that this measure is
passed by Congress and that the House Foreign Affairs Committees
passage of House Resolution 252 on the Armenia genocide is a first and
major step toward final passage.

Congressman Sherman is an original cosponsor of the legislation, which
acknowledges the Armenian Genocide of 1915-1923. Since coming to
Congress in 1997, Sherman has co-sponsored every resolution dealing
with the issue of the Armenian Genocide. Video of Shermans remarks in
the House Foreign Affairs Committee is available on his YouTube page,

During World War I and its aftermath, the Ottoman Empire attempted to
destroy the Armenian population of Eastern Anatolia. Congressman
Sherman wants Congress to remember this tragic event and formally
acknowledge that the Armenian Genocide is a fact. Unfortunately, there
are many who deny that this first genocide of the 20th Century
actually took place.

Congressman Brad Sherman is the Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs
Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation and Trade. He has served
Californias San Fernando Valley in Congress since 1997.