Iran to construct gas pipeline from Tabriz refinery to Armenia

SteelGuru, India
March 7 2010

Iran to construct gas pipeline from Tabriz refinery to Armenia

Sunday, 07 Mar 2010It is reported that Iran is planning to construct a
pipeline from its Tabriz refinery to Armenia to increase gasoline and
gas exports to the country.

Mr Noureddin Shahnazi Zadeh deputy oil minister of Iran said that the
2 sides have agreed on a contract for the construction of 350
kilometers pipeline and terminal on the border shared by the 2

Mr Shahnazi Zadeh said that the construction of the joint pipeline
needs an investment of USD 350 million.

In 2007, Iran and Armenia reached a primary agreement on construction
of the pipeline from the Iranian northwestern city of Tabriz to the
border city of Mughri, Armenia.

(Sourced from Pipelines International)

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