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The New Phase For Sibel Edmonds And The ‘Boiling Frogs Post’

By Sibel Edmonds

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March 8, 2010

In October 2009, I launched Boiling Frogs Post with one purpose in
mind: to establish a venue for investigative articles, analyses,
and interviews on issues largely blacked out by the media. After four
months of a successful trial phase this venue is now ready to enter
its next stage, and for that it needs your support.

>>From Edmonds’s Blog Those of you who know me or are familiar
with my case know my frequently delivered statements on pursuing all
channels for revealing the truth. I have fought for and lived by those
statements to date, and I intend to live by them for as long as I can.

After pursuing the executive channel, for as much and as long as it
could be pursued, I continued on with the Congress and the courts
until the end, until all doors were shut via secrecy and executive
privileges-privileges that were only aimed at protecting criminal
operations conducted by Turkish operatives and their traitor
counterparts within the U.S. government. I then turned to my last
channel, the only one left to pursue. This was the point at which
I discovered the main culprit, making it possible for all three
branches of our government to bury the truth and keep it buried. Yes,
I am talking about the fourth estate: the media as gatekeepers.

I could fill many pages with significant, witnessed, and undisputable
cases and facts that have been blacked out and censored by the media.

Through my own case and as director of an organization with over 100
legitimate and courageous national security whistleblowers I certainly
could. Instead let me give you a few startling examples.

Despite undisputed facts backed by witnesses with even more
undisputable reputations and credibility, the already scandalous
former Speaker of the House, Dennis Hastert, was able to be reelected
and later retire, only to immediately join the Turkish lobbyists who
had him pocketed for many years while in public office. This was made
possible only by the willing media acting as protectors of traitors
and criminals, instead of as challengers and revealers of wrong
and wrongdoers. (You can read more on this in an article I wrote at
Boiling Frogs Post titled "Dennis Hastert: A Portrait of a Political
System Termite.") Another example involves a recent mammoth case
of a revolving door. How many people are aware of the new chairman
of the American Turkish Council (ATC), the shady organization under
investigation by the FBI, exposed by my own sworn disclosure(s) along
with other direct government witnesses? This new chairman happens to be
Richard Armitage-a former deputy secretary of state, infamous neo-con,
one of the signatories of PNAC, the man who was directly involved in
exposing a CIA operative’s identity, the culprit with involvements
in several scandalous covert operations…

You would think when this famous shady government official became the
chairman of an even shadier and highly scandalous foreign lobby, it
would make the headlines in every major and not-so-major publication.

Well, that is not the case. Not even a peep from the mainstream media
and alternatives alike.

You can find out more about Armitage, his new chairmanship of the
infamous Turkish lobby, and his history in a series researched and
authored by Mizgin Yilmaz and published at Boiling Frogs Post.

There are many facts obscured or completely glossed over by the
media when it comes to our hypocrisy-ridden foreign policies-such as
those related to Turkey and Israel, and the repulsive (to the point
of criminal) revolving door practices, like those by Dennis Hastert
and his son(s), Richard Armitage and Marc Grossman. These practices
and those committing them have been given a pass and immunity by
people in high places, and this granted immunity has been shielded,
censored, and buried by our media to protect both the practitioners
and those who allow it.

Similarly, while specific issues related to the continuous assaults
on our civil liberties have been receiving cursory coverage here and
there, they tend to be either reported through the tainted lenses
of partisanship or completely lack macro-level implications and
consequences. At Boiling Frogs Post, we have been providing sound
analyses from experts and critics involving this crucial issue.

Whether it is secrecy or police state practices, our coverage targets
"real issues" rather than symptoms used and polarized as weapons for
partisan battles.

I know it may sound as a cliche to say that I’m following the "instead
of complaining about the sorry state of our media become your own
media" line. But what is the alternative? To just give up? We will
only see many more Hasterts, Armitages, Perles, and Grossmans as long
as the media’s censorship and truth burials go unchallenged. Thus my
intention and determination to pursue this channel, and to do so with
Boiling Frogs Post.

Boiling Frogs Post is solely dependent on readers and supporters,
and has no ties to any institution, foundation, organization,
or corporation. This is the only model I see fit to be called an
independent news and views venue-untainted by external pressure,
special interests, or partisan flavoring.

Our authors and analysts present their work, not agenda scripts
or special recipes handed to them for the creation of a particular
propaganda to serve a particular interest. Our weekly commercial-free
Podcast show hosts the voices of noteworthy guests on topics
long-muffled and quashed by the mainstream media and their minions
on lower levels posing as alternatives.

Here is a list of select interviews:

James Bamford on NSA and illegal domestic wiretapping Pepe Escobar
on the current energy crisis and the quest for Central Asia-Caspian
Region Russ Baker on the concept of shadow government and the real
power centers in the U.S.

Daniel Ellsberg on the Obama presidency and whistleblowers Andy
Worthington on America’s detention center at Guantanamo Bay Chris
Hedges on the U.S. media and the empire of illusion Whether it is going
after hypocrisy-ridden foreign policy practices, the ever-revolving
doors of foreign lobbies, or our stomped upon and continuously
assaulted civil liberties, our work transcends webs put in place
by partisanship and special interests and agendas. Here are a few
examples of our work:

Sibel Edmonds, "The Makings of a Police State Series" Dr. Nafeez Ahmed,
"Yemen, Energy Crisis, and the Nigerian Crutch Bomber Series" Mizgin
Yilmaz, "Richard Armitage Series" Dr. William Weaver, "The Impulse
to Secrecy: The Glomar Response"

Sibel Edmonds, Op-ed Series I believe during this four-month trial
phase, Boiling Frogs Post has established a solid track record with
what it has accomplished, and a view of what it can accomplish given
the readership’s support and backing. We are now ready to begin our
next phase, during which we will continue to provide what you have
seen, read, and listened to thus far, and additionally, will present
exclusive video clips and investigative stories.

This site will continue and expand only by your direct support. I
am asking every one of you to consider yourself the one who can make
this possible. That without your active support this real alternative
site cannot continue or exist. And that without your help those who
consider truly independent channels like this "impossible to survive
and flourish" will be proven right, and with that we will all lose. So
please do your share and contribute whatever you can now. No donation
is either too small or too large. Please donate what you can to keep
this home of the irate minority alive, and thank you for all you do.

Sibel Edmonds is the founder and publisher of Boiling Frogs Post.

Kafian Jirair:
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