Turkish-American Association Reacts To CNN Broadcast About Genocides


08.03.2010 16:25 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ On March 7 CNN showed Scream Bloody Murder,
a documentary about Genocides prepared by a known TV journalist,
Christian Amanpour. The author tells about the Armenian Genocide,
the Holocaust, the Genocide in Cambodia, Rwanda, Darfur, as well as
the massacres of Kurds during Saddam Hussein’s regime in Iraq.

Releasing a statement on CNN’s program, Ali Cinar, vice president of
the Assembly of Turkish American Associations -ATAA, said that the
timing of the broadcast was significant, and called on everybody to
protest the TV channel immediately.

Cinar said "US TV channels’ displaying a unilateral stance with the
Armenian Diaspora’s financial support did not comply with objectivity
and journalistic ethics".

Noting that CNN’s broadcast would harm Turkish-US relations, Cinar said
associating the incidents of 1915 with the Holocaust and with what had
happened in Cambodia, Rwanda, Iraq and Darfour was a "major ignorance".

Cinar also said that the Turkish-American community would continue
to react against the unilateral stance displayed by the US media on
such matter, the Anatolia News Agency reported.