BAKU: Azerbaijani MP: U.S. Defense Industrialists Will Try To Block

Z. Ahmadov

March 9 2010

"The administration of the U.S. President is interested in good
relations with Turkey and will exert pressure in order to prevent the
adoption of the "Armenian genocide" bill in the Congress," Azerbaijani
MP Dunyamin Khalilov said.

"As is known, the Congress committee approved the bill with a majority
of only one vote, and it will now be considered by both houses of the
American parliament, which I think will be difficult to implement. If
one of the chambers rejects it, the bill will not be considered any
more. But even if the parliament passes it, then it must still be
signed by the U.S. President," the MP said.

"Ankara and Washington have an agreement on Turkey’s purchase of
weapons worth $45 billion. Therefore, defense industrialists of the
United States will use all their leverage to prevent adoption of the
"Armenian genocide" and to ensure that these contracts will not fail.

The U.S. presidential administration understands this and appreciates
Turkey’s importance for the United States. So, I think that the
"Armenian genocide" will not be recognized under pressure from the
White House and State Department," the MP added.

"I do not think that Turkey will break diplomatic relations with
Washington even if the U.S. Congress adopts the "Armenian genocide"
bill. A similar situation already took place in 2000 and 2007 after
which Turkish ambassador was recalled from Washington."

"I think it is high time this matter should proceed from political
level to historical one. The events of that time should be studied
by independent experts and historians. During the First World War,
after Russian troops entered the territory of the Ottoman Empire,
there might have been a kind of exodus from the eastern regions of
modern Turkey to other areas. But it is absolutely wrong to label
this resettlement as "Armenian genocide," the MP noted.

"This is a distorted interpretation of the history by Armenian
nationalists. Armenia needs it to ensure that the international court
recognizes the "Armenian genocide" and then to demand huge financial
compensation. But it will never happen and the policy of Armenian
nationalists will not work," Khalilov added.