Karabakh Conflict: "Slumbering" Rather Than "Frozen"


09.03.2010 18:30 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Conflict between Nagorno Karabakh and Azerbaijan
can’t be characterized as "frozen". There are no frozen conflicts
in Caucasus, so Karabakh issue is rather a "slumbering" one, British
journalist Thomas de Vaal said.

As the expert told a news conference in Yerevan, Karabakh status
is the key issue in conflict settlement process. He emphasized
establishment of contacts between Armenian and Azeri people as crucial
for achieving peace in the zone of conflict. "Intermediary status for
Karabakh is being negotiated, but this is only possible with full
safety guarantees. Still, under the circumstances, with the region
militarized, I see no ways to achieve the status," Thomas de Vaal
said, stressing that the settlement of conflict is a responsibility
of people involved in it.

The expert spoke about the necessity to establish atmosphere of
trust, noting that Baku is not happy with the preservation of status
quo. In the short term, Thomas de Vaal ruled out the possibility of
hostilities’ resumption in Karabakh, noting, though, that Azerbaijan
might use this method in 5-10 years.

As the expert noted, EU has to intensify its role in conflict
settlement, supporting conflicting parties and trying to promote
trust between them.

The expert characterized Armenia-Turkey relations as more dynamic
compared with those between Armenia and Azerbaijan. "Normalizing
relations with Armenia, Turkey will be able to break out of vicious
triangle, thus facilitating Karabakh conflict settlement. Ankara’s
attempt at direct interference will only harm the process," he

The conflict between Nagorno Karabakh and Azerbaijan broke out in
1988, as result of the ethnic cleansing the latter launched in the
final years of the Soviet Union. The Karabakh War was fought from
1991 (when the Nagorno Karabakh Republic was proclaimed) to 1994
(when a ceasefire was sealed by Armenia, NKR and Azerbaijan). Most
of Nagorno Karabakh and a security zone consisting of 7 regions is
now under control of NKR defense army. Armenia and Azerbaijan are
holding peace talks mediated by the OSCE Minsk Group up till now.