BAKU: Only Turkey And Azerbaijan Are US Allies In Region – MP

March 10 2010

Asim Mollazade The US administration is doing everything possible
in order not to put this document for the general discussions in
the Congress.

"The US authorities are aware that only Turkey and Azerbaijan are
US allies in the region, while Armenia serves the interests of other
countries. The United States are not interested to lose its partners,
especially because the adoption of the document on ‘Armenian genocide’
has already had its negative impact not only on the Turkish-American
but also on the Azerbaijani-American relations", said chairman of
the Party of Democratic Reforms, Asim Mollazade Tuesday.

He said document 252 on "Armenian genocide" adopted by the US
Congressional Committee is completely unjust and unreal.

"This document causes damage to Turkey and Azerbaijan and does
not respond to the US national interests and security. It is not
by accident that US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton urged the
congressmen not to adopt this document as contradictory to the
US national interests. This document is also contradictory to the
national interests of Armenia. It just meets the efforts of the US
Armenian community that lives with the ideas of revenge to Turks. In
addition, this document has a negative impact on the Karabakh conflict
as it aims at raising hatred to Turks", Mollazade said.

The deputy noted that in this situation many understand that such
issues should better be discussed by historians, not politicians.