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Czech Journalist Rebuffs Azeri Misinformation


10.03.2010 18:07 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Azerbaijanis organized "exhibition" at the
Lidice-Memorial, which was called the worst mockery of the Lidice
victims by the Check journalist Dana Mazalova. The "exhibition" at
the Lidice-Memorial was aimed to spread misinformation about events
in Khojalu. Azerbaijanis tried to present the Czech village of Lidice
, destroyed by the Nazis, and the Azerbaijani town of Khodjalu as
twin towns.

The exhibition displayed "photographs" allegedly shot by civilian
and military journalist Chingiz Mustafayev, the author of the famous
cover of the Khojalu tragedy. None of the photographs has been made
by Mustafaev, Dana Mazalova , well-known Czech journalist told a news
conference in Yerevan jointly held with Ara Saghatelyan, Director of
the Public Relations and Information Office of Armenian President.

Dana Mazalova is an eyewitness of those events, she was covering the
hostilities in Karabakh.

"Unfortunately, the Czech authorities did not check what the
Azerbaijanis had said or shown. We together with my Czech colleagues
have decided to respond to the black PR of Azerbaijan. The only person
who can do it – it’s me, because I have seen all the raw materials,
which Chingiz Mustafayev made," Dana Mazalova said.

According to her, on the photographs, presented by the Azeri, naked
bodies of men are shown, but the photos by Mustafaev featured only
people in cloths.

After Mustafaev discovered the bodies of people, he carried some of
them and when he returned for the rest, the corpses had been already
mutilated and scalped, she said. The photos by Mustafaev featured
only people in cloths, she stressed.

According to the Check journalist, a video, shot by Mustafayev shows
that dead people are lying near Aghdam and one can see the single
moving person in the Azerbaijani uniform, not even reacting to the
helicopter above.

She said, that the "exhibition" is the worst mockery of the Lidice

The corridor between Armenia and Azerbaijan was open, there is
factual evidence, Ara Saghatelyan stressed. The interview of the
former Azerbaijani President Ayaz Mutalibov to Dana Mazalova in 1992
is another evidence to that.

Ayaz Mutalibov particularly said: "According to survived Khojalu
dwellers, everything was organized for my resignation". He said,
he does not believe that Armenians ever might be involved in such
fascist actions. "One can assume that some people were interested in
focusing everything on my person. If I say that it is the fault of
the Azerbaijani opposition…. The corridor to leave was left by the
Armenians. Why should they shoot then? Especially in the territory
close to the Aghdam, which had enough forces to go out and help people
or simply agree over civilians leaving? This was the practice all
the time ".

Saghatelyan also reported that in late March a film about the Sumgait
events will be screened, which will show the unique shots filmed by
Russia’s specialists.

Nalchajian Markos:
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