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Mr. Momjian at the Armenian Sisters Academy in Radnor, PA

Armenian Sisters Academy
440 Upper Gulph Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Contact: Susan Pogharian
Tel: 610-757-7090
Fax: 610-687-2450
E-mail: SPogharian@asaphila.org

In an engaging and interactive presentation, prominent Philadelphia
lawyer Mr. Albert Momjian spoke to children at the Armenian Sisters
Academy in Radnor, PA. Instead of discussing legal affairs, however, Mr.
Momjian, the school’s volunteer solicitor since its inception in 1967,
spoke about the devastation in Haiti after the earthquake. Mr. Momjian
has served as the Honorary Consul to the Republic of Haiti since 1978.
In this capacity, he has spearheaded a variety of programs to support
Haitians living in the Philadelphia region and across the state. Since
the catastrophic earthquake, Mr. Momjian has been working with Haitian
Coalition leaders in Philadelphia to assist those suffering in Haiti.

At the Academy, his efforts were focused on educating local Armenian
youth about what life is currently like in Haiti. He explained how tent
cities have been created, spaced miles apart, in order to minimize
fighting for much needed food and supplies. Academy students asked
questions and expressed their concern for children who have lost parents
in the tragedy. Mr. Momjian explained that a large part of their relief
efforts center on reuniting families. He informed the students that
Haiti was the first black country in the world to declare independence
from France, and that at one time it was a rich country.

First grader Teni Jehanian showed Mr. Momjian one of many jars that
students use to collect funds during the Lenten season. This year’s
proceeds will be sent to help the Haitians. He, in turn, donated a book,
Open the Door to Liberty, and a Haitian flag to the school library. The
students concluded by singing `Whatsoever you Do’ where the refrain
goes `Whatsoever you do to the least of my people that you do unto
me’. On their way out, several students thanked Mr. Momjian for his
informative and eye-opening talk.

Chmshkian Vicken:
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