AAA: Assembly Visits Utah Congressional Delegation

March 11, 2010
Contact: Press Department
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (202) 393-3434


Congressman Matheson Pledges to Join Armenian Caucus

Salt Lake City, UT – With attention focused on the House Foreign
Affairs Committee vote on the Armenian Genocide resolution, the
Armenian Assembly of America’s (Assembly) Western Region office
continued its outreach in the weeks and days leading up to the vote.

In addition to ongoing efforts with the Members of the California
delegation, Western Region Director Yeghig Keshishian travelled to
Utah for district meetings with Congressmen Jason Chaffetz (R-UT), Rob
Bishop (R-UT) and Jim Matheson (D-UT) to discuss H. Res. 252, the
Armenian Genocide resolution, as well as the importance of the
U.S.-Armenia relationship.

During the meeting with Rep. Matheson, the Assembly team, lead by
Keshishian, thanked the Congressman for his steadfast support as Mr.
Matheson is currently the only member from the Utah Congressional
delegation who has cosponsored the Armenian Genocide resolution.

Rep. Matheson pledged to join the Armenian Caucus as an added sign of
support. While Congressman Bishop is not yet a cosponsor of the
Armenian Genocide resolution, he is a Member of the Armenian Caucus.
Keshishian met with Rep. Bishop to enlist his support of the Armenian
Genocide Resolution.

In the face of the relentless campaign to deny the incontrovertible
fact of the Armenian Genocide, and the proud chapter of America’s
humanitarian intervention to save the survivors, Keshishian reiterated
the importance to properly recognize this crime against humanity to
help prevent future genocides.

Keshishian stressed the moral importance behind seeing this resolution
passed during his visit with Congressman Chaffetz earlier in the week.
Rep. Chaffetz is no stranger to Armenian issues, having served as
Campaign Manager and later as Chief of Staff for former Utah Governor,
now U.S. Ambassador to China Jon Huntsman, Jr. In the aftermath of the
devastating 1988 earthquake in Armenia, Huntsman Sr. became a leading
international advocate on behalf of the people of Armenia, providing
food relief to over 500,000 Armenians left homeless from the tragedy.
Over the years the Huntsman family has donated nearly $20 million in
relief and assistance to the Republic of Armenia; and, in 2007, the
Huntsman family established 13 scholarships for students from Armenia
to attend Utah State University over a four-year period.

The Assembly continues to work closely with members of the
Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues, in not only expanding Caucus
membership, but also cosponsorship of H. Res. 252.

Accompanying Keshishian to the district meetings were representatives
from the Armenian Hyrenik Youth Organization (AHYO) Board – including,
Karine Sargsian and former Assembly Yerevan Interns Natalie Torosyan
and Zaven Sargsian. "AHYO is grateful to the Armenian Assembly and
Yeghig Keshishian for his recent visit to Utah. We share the same
level of importance in raising awareness of Armenian issues in Utah,
believing that our joint efforts will lead to tangible benefits for
the Diaspora," stated Sargsian.

Established in 1972, the Armenian Assembly of America is the largest
Washington-based nationwide organization promoting public
understanding and awareness of Armenian issues. The Assembly is a
501(c)(3) tax-exempt membership organization.


NR# 2010-20

Photo Caption 1, L-R: Zaven Sargsian, Karine Sargsian, Rep. Jim
Matheson (D-UT), Yeghig Keshishian

Photo Caption 2, L-R: Yeghig Keshishian, Natalie Torosyan, Rep. Jason
Chaffetz (R-UT), Zaven Sargsian