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BAKU: Azeri, Turkish Diaspora Battle Genocide Bill


March 11 2010

Tomris Azeri News.Az interviews Tomris Azeri, head of the Azerbaijan
Society of America.

The US House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee adopted
a resolution recognizing the killings of Armenians in 1915 as
‘genocide’. How would you comment on this decision?

On 4 March 2010, the Foreign Affairs Committee voted to endorse
resolution HR252. The resolution was passed by the committee by a
narrow margin, 23 votes to 22. Over past years, Armenian-Americans
have been very active in bringing this issue to the Foreign Affairs
Committee for a vote. In recent years, 2000 and 2007, they were
successful in getting this bill passed with bigger margins. In 2000
the committee voted for the resolution 24 to 11, in 2005 the margin
was 33 votes and in 2007 27-21. This year they managed to get the
resolution adopted by only one vote. The result remains the same,
but the voting does show that Turkish-Americans are getting stronger
and more involved. There is more grassroots action within the Turkish
communities. Azerbaijani-Americans have learned to work more closely
with the Turkish diaspora. I think this is a success on our part and
the Armenians also realize it.

Will the decision harm US-Turkish relations?

Yes, of course the decision by US legislators will harm relations
between the US and Turkey. Turkey has already recalled its ambassador.

I am sad to see that US legislators do not understand the value
and importance of Turkey to the US, including the value of Turkish
businesses here in the US and the American companies doing business
in Turkey.

I recently found out that American companies in New Jersey alone do
business worth more than $11 billion with Turkey. This is a huge
amount for the New Jersey economy, just one state in the US. I am
yet to understand the behaviour of New Jersey legislators. What is
the trade and business from Armenia? This is what New Jersey Turkish
American and Azerbaijani American groups will be discussing with our
elected officials and with our newly elected governor.

May the Azeri and Turkish diaspora work together to prevent adoption
of the resolution by Congress?

We are already working together. We worked hard with the Turkish
diaspora to block this resolution. Together with the Azerbaijan Society
of America, the Azerbaijan American Council and the US Azeris Network,
we have sent thousands of mailings to our representatives, visited
and talked with them. We will continue to work with the Turkish
diaspora to prevent this resolution going further and coming to the
House floor for a vote. Our relationship with the Turkish diaspora
goes a very long way. There are many forces that are trying to spoil
the relations we have here in the US, but they will not succeed;
our bonds are very strong.

Are you sure that President Obama is really against this resolution?

I cannot say that I am sure, but I do hope he understands the
importance of Turkey in Afghanistan and in Iraq, and Turkey’s
importance in the American economy. Turkey is a dependable, staunch
ally of the US, perhaps the only reliable ally in the Middle East. I
do hope American legislators and President Obama will realize this.

The behaviour of my Congress and legislators sometimes does not make
sense and surprises me as an American – are they really thinking of
the interests of American citizens?

May the decision have a negative impact on the Karabakh process?

Karabakh is a separate issue and Armenians know to treat it as such.

They work to a plan: after the US has recognized the false genocide
claims, they will start work on getting Karabakh recognized.

Azerbaijani-Americans need to be more active and involved, talking
with our district Congress members constantly, contributing to their
campaigns, volunteering in their offices. US legislators need to be
educated on issues regarding Azerbaijan.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS
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