Categories: News

STOCKHOLM: Parliament Debates "Genocide" In Turkey


SR International – Radio Sweden
tssidor/artikel.asp?ProgramID=2054&format=1&am p;artikel=3501517
March 11 2010

The Swedish parliament is debating the proposals from some of the
members demanding that Sweden officially describe the large-scale
murders of Armenians and other ethnic groups in Turkey in the early
years of the last century as genocide.

Some have argued that such a description would outrage Turkey which
outlaws any such classification and would jeopardize those Turks
favoring membership in the European Union.

"It’s Time to Recognise the Armenian Genocide" (4:25) Others blame
the Swedish foreign ministry for being too quiet on the subject which
they think should be openly discussed both in Turkey and by others.

Some Swedish editorial writers argue that the parliamentarians are
not the right people to define history and that this should be left
to the historians.

Protest demonstrations from both sides have taken place outside the
parliament building in Stockholm.

Tvankchian Parkev:
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