Ashot Ghulayan: Settlement Impossible Without Karabakh’s Participati

Anna Nazaryan

12.03.2010 13:46

President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Joao Soares met with the
Chairman of the NKR National Assembly Ashot Gulyan in Yerevan. The
NKR Parliament Speaker told reporters that the meeting was useful.

"We cannot imagine the resolution of the Karabakh issue without the
participation of Karabakh," Ashot Gulyan said.

Asked to comment on Goran Lenmarker’s words that it’s necessary to
solve the conflict as soon as possible, Ashot Gulyan said: "I would
also like to ask him the same question. Perhaps, you have noticed that
Lenmarker declares every year that the Karabakh issue will be solved,
but the process neither benefits not suffers from this."

"We wanted to tell the OSCE PA that we do not expect the conflict to
be solved soon without the full participation of the Karabakhi side
in the talks. When we speak about rapid resolution of any conflict,
not only Karabakh, we should take into consideration that the risk
of making mistakes is great," Ashot Gulyan noted.