Categories: News

STOCKHOLM: Genocide Of Armenians Recognized


SR International – Radio Sweden
March 11 2010

The Swedish parliament has voted to officially describe the murders
of as many as 1.5 million Armenians and other ethnic groups in Turkey
during the First World War as genocide.

In protest, Turkey has recalled its ambassador to Ankara, and Turkish
Prime Minister Erdogan has cancelled his visit to Stockholm next week.

The resolution was passed over the government’s wishes, with every
member of the red-green opposition voting in favor, along with a
handful of MPs from the government parties.

Opponents had argued that such a description would outrage Turkey,
which denies any genocide took place, and would jeopardize Turkish
membership in the European Union. Supporters said the Swedish Foreign
Ministry has been too passive on the issue.

The Swedish votes comes exactly one week after an American
congressional committee passed a similar resolution.

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Navasardian Karapet:
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