STOCKHOLM: Sweden To Recognize Armenian Genocide


The Local
March 11 2010

The Swedish parliament voted on Thursday in favour of a motion to
recognize the 1915 Armenian genocide.

Though the motion to recognize the genocide of Armenians and
other ethnic groups – Chaldeans, Syrians, Assyrians and Pontian
Greeks – had the backing of members of five of the seven Swedish
parliamentary parties, the vote’s outcome was uncertain to the last
as the parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs had recommended
its rejection.

But with four centre-right politicians ignoring the recommendation and
choosing to vote with the opposition, the resolution was eventually
passed by a single vote.

Turkey immediately elected to recall its ambassador to Sweden, Zergun
Koruturk, who said she was "very, very disappointed" by the vote.

"I’m disappointed and somewhat surprised because I expected the
parliament to adopt the normal position that it is not the job of
parliamentarians to decide whether or not a genocide has taken place.

"That is a questions for historians, and for researchers to examine
before reaching a conclusion," she told news agency TT.

Zergun Koruturk added that Sweden and Turkey had enjoyed excellent
relations over the last decade but that this was now certain to change.

"Everything is going to regress. This is going to have a drastic
impact on our bilateral relations," she said.

Speaking to The Local prior to the vote, Left Party foreign policy
spokesperson Hans Linde expressed his view that the time had come
for Sweden to take a stand on the issue.

"Firstly, to hinder any repeat and to learn from history. Secondly,
to encourage the development of democracy in Turkey – which includes
dealing with their own history. Thirdly, to redress the wrongs
committed against the victims and their descendants," Linde said.

The foreign affairs committee, in its comments on the motion, had
argued for an open debate on the issue. It also stated that the
persecution of the Armenians and other ethnic groups in 1915 would
have constituted genocide according to the definition adopted by the
United Nations in its 1948 genocide convention if it "had it been in
force at the time."

But the committee stated that it does not consider it parliament’s
role to rule on human rights issues and that this should instead be
addressed by "open research, open access to facts, and free debate."

Sweden’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Carl Bildt agreed with the
committee’s position in comments on his blog on Thursday. Under the
heading "Don’t politicize history," Bildt wrote:

"A politicizing of history in this way risks undermining ongoing
reconciliation processes, plays into the hands of those opposing
normality in Armenia and reform in Turkey… and creating new tension
in Swedish society."

The committee concluded in its comments that the Turkish government
has in recent years made some movement on the issue, with conferences
arranged on the subject as well as broader media debate.

The Swedish parliament has voted on the issue before, even approving
a report in 2000 recognizing the disappearance of as many as 2.5
million Armenians, Chaldeans, Syrians, Assyrians and Pontian Greeks
from April 1915 as genocide. But the recognition was later withdrawn
"on a technicality", Hans Linde told The Local.

"The parliament also voted against recognition (by 245 to 37) in 2008.

The difference this time is that the Social Democrats have changed
their position," he said.

Carl Bildt claimed in his statement that the Social Democrat
parliamentary group was forced to change standpoint on the issue as
a result of a party congress vote, arguing that there are "several
that feel deep unease over this."

According to Sweden’s Living History Forum, most researchers are
now in agreement that the massacres constituted genocide according
to the accepted 1948 UN definition. The exception to this is Turkish
researchers. The Turkish government has never recognized the events
as a genocide and it is illegal in Turkey to claim that it occurred.

The Living History Forum is a Swedish public authority which works
with issues on tolerance, democracy and human rights from both a
national and international perspective.

The Local has made attempts to contact the foreign policy spokespersons
at the Centre and Liberal (Folkpartiet) parties for a comment.

Peter Vinthagen Simpson

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian

“I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS