Turkish Parliamentarian Calls His Swedish Colleagues Comedians


2010-03-12 19:04:00

ArmInfo. Adoption of the Resolution on the incidents of 1915 by the
Swedish Parliament was another comedy, said Suat Kiniklioglu, a member
of the Turkish ruling party Justice and Development, when commenting to
ArmInfo on recognition of the Armenian Genocide by Riksdag on Thursday.

Recalling that the resolution was passed by 131 votes "for" and 130
votes "against", the Turkish parliamentarian said that the Swedish
parliament plays an act.

"If someone were forgotten in a toilet the resolution would not have
been passed. If that someone did not arrive in Yerevan to participate
in the PA NATO seminar, that resolution would not be passed either.

This is a comedy that irritates Turkey and do not contribute to
reconciliation of Turks and Armenians," Kiniklioglu said.

The Turkish official probably meant Chairman of the Foreign Affairs
Committee of the Swedish parliament Goran Lennmarker, who is currently
participating in the PA NATO seminar in Yerevan.

Kiniklioglu hopes that Lennmarker’s participation in the voting would
prevent adoption of the resolution. Talking to ArmInfo, Lennmarker
said that he would vote for adoption of the resolution if he were in
Sweden on Thursday, since he is one of the authors of the resolution
that was submitted by the Foreign Affairs Committee.

The "arguments" of the Turkish parliamentarian saying that the
result of the voting was misunderstanding because of "incontinence of
urine" by Swedish parliamentarians or their absence from the country
proved unconvincing. Evidently, Lennmarker’s presence in the Swedish
parliament would overbalance the voting in favor for the resolution by
2 votes. In that case, the Turkish parliamentarian would have nothing
to do but "lock" in the toilet at least two Swedish parliamentarians.