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Turkish Ratification Of Armenia Accords ‘Almost Impossible’ Now

Sargis Harutyunyan

Radio Liberty
March 11 2010

Turkey – Suat Kiniklioglu, a deputy chairman of the ruling Justice
and Development Party, undated.

Turkey is extremely unlikely to ratify its fence-mending protocols with
Armenia at this juncture, a senior Turkish lawmaker and deputy chairman
of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) said on Thursday.

In an interview with RFE/RL’s Armenian service in Yerevan, Suat
Kiniklioglu made clear that Ankara continues to make the normalization
of Turkish-Armenian relations conditional on a Karabakh settlement. He
said the passage of an Armenian genocide resolution by a U.S.

congressional committee has rendered Turkish ratification of the
protocols even "more difficult."

"[Ratification] is very difficult right now," Kiniklioglu said,
speaking on the sidelines of an international seminar organized in
the Armenian capital by the NATO Parliamentary Assembly. "It’s almost
impossible. Especially after [the progress of the House Resolution]
252, it’s almost impossible."

Turkey has strongly condemned the draft resolution approved by the
Foreign Affairs Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives on March
4. It calls on President Barack Obama to "accurately characterize
the systematic and deliberate annihilation of 1,500,000 Armenians
as genocide."

Kiniklioglu headed one of the two Turkish parliamentary delegations
that traveled to Washington last week to lobby against the bill’s
passage. They were present at the committee debate and vote on the
measure along with fellow parliamentarians from Armenia.

"Neither the Turkish parliament nor any other parliament should be
judging on other peoples’ history," Kiniklioglu told RFE/RL. "We
continue to propose the history commission that was part of the
protocols, and I think that’s the best way to go about.

Turkish-Armenian relations do not need the American Congress to be
approved or to be condoned. I think Turks and Armenians are mature
enough to resolve their problems on a bilateral level."

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu has publicly warned Washington
against exploiting the genocide bill to pressure Ankara to validate
the U.S.-brokered agreements envisaging diplomatic relations between
Armenia and Turkey and the opening of their border. U.S.

officials have repeatedly called for a speedy and unconditional
ratification of the protocols.

Kiniklioglu indicated that the Turkish government, which has a clear
majority in parliament, persists in linking the ratification with
an Armenian-Azerbaijani agreement on Karabakh. "In our view, there
is a connection [with Karabakh,]" he said. "You can not normalize
[relations] with a country when there is an abnormal situation going
on right next door to you."

"All sides, especially the American side, the Minsk Group, are working
on the Karabakh issue," said the lawmaker. "I hope something positive
will come out of it because as soon as something positive comes out,
I think we will push the protocols through the parliament."

Meeting with Davutoglu in Kiev late last month, President Serzh
Sarkisian threatened to walk away from the deal if the Turks fail
to honor it "within the shortest period of time." U.S. and European
Union officials have likewise said it should be ratified within a
"reasonable" timeframe.

"I think eventually it will happen, but we should not put artificial
deadlines on the process and should continue in a determined fashion
towards finalizing the reconciliation process," countered Kiniklioglu.

"I am on the optimistic side," he said. "One year ago or two years ago,
there were no protocols whatsoever. Right now we have two documents
that outline in detail how the normalization should take place. I
think it’s still a success."

"True, they are still awaiting ratification by the Turkish and Armenian
parliaments," added the AKP vice-chairman for foreign relations. "But
I think if we show enough patience — and hopefully there will be some
movement on Karabakh, we don’t know — I’m confident that normalization
will eventually take place."

Kiniklioglu went on to describe the Armenians and the Turks as
"very similar people" who can put an end to their long history of
mutual hostility. "This is my fourth visit to Armenia," he said. "I
have lots of friends here and I see more and more commonalities and
similarities between us."


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