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Agreement on economic cooperation between Armenia and Poland signed

Agreement on economic cooperation between governments of Armenia and
Poland signed

YEREVAN, MARCH 12, NOYAN TAPAN. A delegation headed by Polish Prime
Minister Donald Tusk came on a one-day visit to Yerevan on March 12.
On the same say the Prime Minister of Armenia Tigran Sargsyan had a
tete-a-tete conversation with D. Tusk, followed by a meeting of the

T. Sargsyan expressed confidence that the reached agreements would
form a new basis for further development of Armenian-Polish relations.
"The agreement to be signed today, as well as the establishment of an
intergovernmental commission will enable to discuss in detail all
business projects of mutual interest. The brotherly ties that have
formed between our nations over the centuries are a pledge of
strengthening Armenian-Polish relations. The textbooks on history of
the Armenian people contain a description of Armenian-Polish relations
since the 11th century, the favorable attitute of Polish kings to the
Armenian community which formed in Poland, in the 14th century the
legislative stipulation of the rights of the Armenian community by the
Polish Sejm, as well as the unique opportunity to administer justice
based on the work "Code of Law" by Mkhitar Gosh, which remains modern
until now and shows that our relations have deep roots," T. Sargsyan

In the words of D. Tusk, this is his first visit to Armenia, but the
very first meeting with the Armenian prime minister bears evidence of
centuries-old history of friendly relations between Armenian and
Polish peoples. D. Tusk expressed a high opinion about Armenia’s
active contribution to the Eastern Partnership project.

According to the RA Government Information and PR Department, the
Agreement on Economic Cooperation between the Governments of Armenia
and Poland was signed after the meeting.

The signing ceremony was followed by a press conference given by the
two prime ministers at the press center of the Armenian government.

"The visit of the Polish prime minister is especially pleasant to us
because on the one hand we discuss the strengthening of our economic
cooperation, while on the other hand we speak about traditionally
friendly ties between Armenia and Poland," T. Sargsyan noted. He said
that the agreement on economic cooperation would create a favorable
environment to promote bilateral economic relations, encourage
investments, ensure their protection, and assit the private sector.

He announced that an agreement was reached to establish a bilateral
intergovernmental commission which will examine all economic,
political, financial and cultural problems on the agenda of the two

D. Tusk said: "I am glad that during our talk we identified a number
of fields of mutually beneficial cooperation. In addition to creating
a commission, we will start cooperating, particularly in chemical and
industrial sectors. Perhaps we will use Armenia’s experience in
nuclear energy. The signing of this agreement is the start of close
economic cooperation between our countries".

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