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Turkish Vice Premier pledged to solve problems of Armenian community

news.am, Armenia
March 13 2010

Turkish Vice Premier pledged to solve problems of Armenian community

17:30 / 03/13/2010March 11, Turkish Vice Prime Minister Bulent Arinc
met with representative of ethnic and religious minorities in

Head of Religious Council of the Armenian Patriarchate Archbishop Aram
Ateshyan expressed gratitude for attention devoted to the issues of
ethnic minorities. According to Patriarchate website, Ateshyan invited
Vice-Premiers’ attention to education of Armenian children whose
parents are ineligible employees. He asked permission for these
children to attend educational institutions as free attendees.

The question on closure of Armenian schools by Turkish Government was
also raised. Arinc pledged to solve the problems of Armenian
community, recalling that 25 properties were recently returned to
community representatives.

Twenty-one ethnic minority representatives, including Jewish,
Georgian, Greek, Armenian communities attended the event. Earlier,
Aram Ateshyan informed Premier Erdogan about educational problems of
Armenian children who declared that the legislative solution will be


Nahapetian Zhanna:
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