Sergei Kapinos: OSCE Resolutions Are Adopted By Consensus


15.03.2010 16:13 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ OSCE decisions are taken by consensus, if even
one state OSCE party is against a decision, it is not accepted,
Sergey Kapinos , head of OSCE Yerevan office told a press conference
in Yerevan, commenting on the threat of Azerbaijan that the Karabakh
conflict can be resolved in military way. He considered it unrealistic
to use any sanctions in connection with Baku’ statements.

"The decisions of OSCE are not legally binding, they are of political
nature, so to speak of any sanctions in this regard is unrealistic.
This is not the method of OSCE, a sanction is a very radical measure,
which often has the opposite effect," said Kapinos. According to him,
the methods of OSCE are negotiations, arguments, influence and impact
on the processes.

Referring to the statement of the NKR President that the Karabakh
conflict can be resolved at a legal level, Kapinos said the
Karabakh conflict could be resolved appealing only to legal terms,
and it requires a court appeal. "There is a Court of Arbitration in
the OSCE, but only members of the Court of Arbitration can apply,
while Azerbaijan is not a member,"Kapinos said, adding that the issue
could also be considered in the context of an international court in
Copenhagen. "While no application has been made,"said Sergey Kapinos,
adding that it is better to use the old tried means of resolving

The armed conflict between Nagorno Karabakh and Azerbaijan broke
out in 1998, as result of the ethnic cleansing the latter launched
in the final years of the Soviet Union. The Karabakh War was fought
from 1991 (when the Nagorno Karabakh Republic was proclaimed) to 1994
(when a ceasefire was sealed by Armenia, NKR and Azerbaijan). Most
of Nagorno Karabakh and a security zone consisting of 7 regions is
now under control of NKR defense army. Armenia and Azerbaijan are
holding peace talks mediated by the OSCE Minsk Group up till now.