War No Answer To Karabakh Conflict – OSCE


March 15 2010

Joao Soares The chairman of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, Joao
Soares, has said that the Karabakh conflict cannot be solved by force.

‘War and violence should be ruled out in the resolution of the Karabakh
conflict,’ Soares said on arrival in Azerbaijan on Saturday.

‘The aim of the visit is to help the Caucasus countries to hold
peaceful negotiations. We have already been in Georgia and Armenia.

During the meetings in Azerbaijan we will try to give recommendations
on how to make progress in the negotiations. There are problems:
servicemen have been killed in the violation of the ceasefire
by snipers from both sides. But we have not come to discuss the
negatives. We have come to speak of the positives at the parliamentary
level and we will try to reach a breakthrough on this issue,’
Soares said.

He said that peace was needed between the countries of the
Parliamentary Assembly. ‘There are many problems in this part of the
world but the only thing clear is that it is impossible to settle
this issue other than peacefully, because war is not the way to settle
problems. Therefore, war and force should be ruled out.’

Joao Soares is accompanied by Goran Lennmarker, the OSCE Parliamentary
Assembly’s special envoy on Karabakh.