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Advice To Prime Minister Erdogan: Continue Denying The Armenian Geno


Noyan Tapan
March 16, 2010

LOS ANGELES, MART 16, NOYAN TAPAN. It is a well-known fact that Turkish
leaders are exceptional diplomats. However, as soon as they hear the
words Armenian Genocide, Greece, Cyprus or Kurdistan, these diplomats
lose their "cool" and resort to emotional outbursts and undiplomatic
actions that harm their own interests.

Realizing that this is the 95th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide,
Turkish officials have been nervously preparing themselves for the
upcoming tsunami of commemorations that would remind the international
community of the crimes against humanity committed by Ottoman Turks.

The first unexpected shot was fired on February 26 by the Parliament
of the Autonomous Government of Catalonia, Spain, when it unanimously
recognized the Armenian Genocide. Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet
Davutoglu immediately contacted his Spanish counterpart and Catalonian
officials venting his anger and demanding an apology!

Two days later, an expose of the Armenian Genocide was aired by
CBS’s 60 Minutes, showing bones of Armenian victims still protruding
from Syrian desert sands, almost a century later! The Turks were
livid, accusing Armenians of unduly influencing the CBS network and
questioning, as usual, the authenticity of the bones and the sand!

Four days later, the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee adopted a
resolution acknowledging the Armenian Genocide. Turkey lost despite:
Pressuring the Obama administration to oppose the resolution;

Hiring multi-million dollar lobbying firms;

Sending teams of Turkish parliamentarians to Washington;

E-mail campaigns by Turkish and Azeri Americans; and

Threatening to boycott U.S. defense contractors if they did not oppose
the resolution.

Immediately after losing that vote, Turkey recalled its Ambassador
from Washington, indicating that he may be kept in Ankara until after
April 24. State Minister Zafer Caglayan postponed his U.S. visit,
intended to develop economic ties, "until the United States corrects
its mistake." A scheduled trip by the executive board of the Turkish
Industrialists’ & Businessmen’s Association to Washington on March
16 and 17 was also canceled, and anti-American protests were held in
Turkish cities. More importantly, Prime Minister Erdogan indicated
that he might cancel his planned participation in the global summit
on nuclear security to be held in Washington next month.

Before Turkish passions had cooled down, Sweden’s Parliament dealt
a second devastating blow to Ankara on March 11, by reaffirming the
genocide of Armenians, Assyrians, and Greeks, by a vote of 131-130.

Once again, Turkey recalled its Ambassador, and Prime Minister Erdogan
canceled his upcoming trip to Stockholm which was to be accompanied
by a large trade delegation. And, anti-Swedish demonstrations were
held in several Turkish cities.

These overly dramatic reactions prompted Turkish and foreign
commentators to have a field day, speculating that if more countries
recognize the Armenian Genocide, Turkey won’t have ambassadors left
anywhere in the world, and Turkish officials won’t be visiting other
countries, having to cancel their overseas trips. Furthermore, Turkey
would be left without any imported goods and a weakened military,
having canceled all purchases from the outside world. Turkey’s
isolation is a just retribution for its denialist policy. By trying
to punish others, Turkey is simply punishing itself.

Vahe Magarian of Cincinnati, Ohio, sent a pointed letter to the New
York Times last week, suggesting that Turkey’s recalled Ambassadors,
"rather than flying home, should be made to march home on foot. Forced
marches were the preferred means of travel during the dying days of
the Ottoman Empire."

Prominent Turkish commentator Can Dundar wrote in Haber1 an article
titled: "Are we going to recall all our Ambassadors?" He stated that,
at this rate, by the time the 100th anniversary of the Armenian
Genocide rolls around in 2015, there won’t be a single country left
not accusing Turkey of genocide. Isn’t it about time that we search
out what dirty work our fathers did 95 years ago? Shouldn’t we ask
what did we do wrong, Dundar implored.

The main reason why Turkish officials panic every time the Armenian
Genocide is acknowledged by yet another country is their fear of
being asked to pay compensation for Armenian losses and return the
occupied lands. Prime Minister Erdogan and his colleagues don’t seem to
understand that Genocide recognition by itself does not lead to legal
claims. How many inches of land have Armenians managed to liberate
from Turkey as a result of such recognition by more than 20 countries?

If Turkish leaders would only understand that parliamentary resolutions
have no legal effect, maybe they would not get so excited over them!

Nevertheless, there should be no doubt that Armenians still demand
the return of their ancestral lands located in Eastern Turkey. Such
claims have to be pursued in various courts, unless an unexpected
cataclysmic event occurs first, causing the collapse or dismemberment
of the Turkish State.

In the meantime, we advise Mr. Erdogan to continue denying the
Genocide at every opportunity, in order to encourage Armenians to
persist in their efforts to expose Ankara’s lies. Were it not for
Turkish officials’ vehement denials, there would not have been a
worldwide outcry to reaffirm the facts of the Armenian Genocide by
airing TV documentaries and adopting genocide resolutions.

Mr. Erdogan, please keep up the good work. Armenians need your kind
assistance to pursue their cause until justice is done.

By Harut Sassounian Publisher, The California Courier

Kamalian Hagop:
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