Lecture in Cyprus by Genocide Museum Director Hayk Demoyan

Kalaydjian Foundation
96-102 Zenonos Kitieus Street
Larnaca 6022
Contact: Tigran Kalaydjian
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Email: [email protected]

Lecture in Cyprus by Genocide Museum Director Hayk Demoyan


16th March 2010

On Saturday the 13th of March 2010, the Director of the Armenian Genocide
Museum in Yerevan, Mr. Hayk Demoyan, gave the Armenian Cypriot community a
detailed and highly informative lecture on the history and activities of the
Genocide Museum and on the possible consequences of the Armenian-Turkish
Protocols signed last year. The lecture, which also included a slide-show
presentation of photographs and newly-acquired material, took place in front
of around 120 community members and was organised by the Kalaydjian
Foundation under the auspices of His Eminence Archbishop Varoujan.

In his speech Mr. Demoyan listed the various milestones in the history of
the Armenian Genocide Memorial and Museum at "Tsitsernakabert" in Yerevan,
and explained that a large-scale expansion of the Museum’s facilities is
planned in the near future, which will allow for a better and more effective
display of recently-acquired material. He also stated that numerous foreign
heads of state had visited the Museum in recent years and signed the
Visitors Book. Mr. Demoyan also stressed the importance of the Museum’s new
"Bedros and Aram Kalaydjian Collection", which comprises rare books,
original period postcards and newspapers, maps and other items that relate
directly to the Armenian Genocide of 1915-1923 and which was acquired by the
Museum during the last two years. These items will officially be put on
display next month and it is the Museum’s intention to send them abroad as a
temporary exhibition entitled "The Armenian Genocide: Frontpage Coverage".

Mr. Demoyan then expanded his speech to include the subject of the Protocols
that were signed by Armenia and Turkey last autumn. He stressed that the
Protocols do not call for the creation of a commission tasked with examining
whether the Genocide actually took place or not. The Armenian Government’s
position on this, he said, has always been very clear, namely that any
commission formed as a result of the Protocols would deal solely with the
consequences of the Genocide and how those consequences can be overcome.

Recently published books by Mr. Demoyan were also presented to the Armenian
community. The lecture then concluded with a question and answer session and
was followed by a cocktail reception.

The Management Committee of the Kalaydjian Foundation
