Rose-Roth Seminar Ends


National Assembly of RA
March 16 2010

The NATO Parliamentary Assembly Rose-Roth seminar on March 13 summed
up the works with the discussions of the last issue On The Political
Developments and Civil Society in the Region.

The Dean of the Georgian Institute of the Public Affairs Bakur
Kvashilava described the situation, emphasizing the problems facing
the country after the Rose Revolution. The Links Executive Director
Denis Samut conveyed the participants of the seminar the picture
of Azerbaijan’s civil society and democracy. The speaker considered
important to speak about the problems of Azerbaijan in Armenia, and on
contrary, saying that the contacts and dialogue between the societies
of the two countries can promote the solution of NK problem. The NA
deputy Artak Zakaryan and the Director of the International Centre
for Human Development Tevan Poghosyan spoke about the steps taken in
strengthening democracy in Armenia.

The speakers agreed that without creating strong society it’s not
possible to reach democracy and called on the European structures to
support the three countries of the region.

The research worker of the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control
of Armed Forces (DCAF) Simon Lunn summed up the three-day work and
considered the seminar successful and constructive. The speaker
expressed hope that in the nearest future Armenia and Turkey would
ratify the protocols.

The Head of the parliamentary delegation of Armenia in NATO PA
Karen Avagyan in his final word thanked the Rose-Roth participants,
noting that with united forces it was only possible to establish
peace and stability in the region. In the end he once again presented
the position of the Armenian authorities on the settlement of the NK
problem and conveyed gratefulness to the parliaments of the countries,
which recognized the Genocide.