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Super-Activeness And Dangers In The Karabakh Process

Anna Nazaryan

16.03.2010 18:43

Super-activeness is observed in the settlement of the Karabakh issue,
which speaks of certain possible developments, Head of Analytical
Centre on Globalization and Regional Cooperation Stepan Grigoryan
told a press conference today.

The political scientist is concerned about the fact that the updated
Madrid document ignores the issue of holding a referendum and
prioritizes the issues of the interim status of Nagorno Karabakh and
deployment of peacekeepers.

In the Madrid Principles the main emphasis was placed on the
referendum, and this satisfied Armenia, while the updated principles
are acceptable to Azerbaijan, that’s why official Baku declares those
are good.

In the current situation the political scientists suggests toughening
the position and demanding to sign a framework agreement where the
Madrid principles will be included.

Ex-Foreign Minister of Nagorno Karabakh Arman Melikyan suggests
recognizing the independence of Nagorno Karabakh on its current
territory including Sahumyan, Getashen and Martakert. He says it’s
necessary to change the stance on the Karabakh issue. Otherwise,
"the Armenian authorities will have no option other than surrendering
the territories."

As regards the Armenian-Turkish relations, Stepan Grigoryan and Arman
Melikyan do not rule out that US President Barack Obama may use the
word ‘genocide,’ but this will not improve Armenia’s situation.

Turkey will ally with Russia, and their alliance is dangerous to our
country. In this case the Karabakh issue will be solved within hours
not to the advantage of Armenia, the political scientists say.

Chmshkian Vicken:
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