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Armenian President Meets Chinese Ambassador On Bilateral Ties


People’s Daily
March 17 2010

Armenian President Serzh Sarksyan discussed his country’s relationship
with China with newly appointed Chinese Ambassador Tian Changchun
on Tuesday.

Tian, who assumed the new post on March 6, submitted his credentials
to the president at the meeting.

Sarksyan said Armenia attached great importance to the relationship
with China and was keen to cooperate with China in various fields.

In recent years, cooperation between Armenia and China had made
remarkable headway, with two-way trade volume continuing to increase,
he said.

China has become Armenia’s second largest trading partner.

Cultural exchanges were expanding and the two countries also closely
collaborated in dealing with international affairs, the president said.

Armenia was ready to further tap cooperation potential with China
and deepen the bilateral ties and seek more benefits to the people
of the two countries, Sarksyan said.

The president also reiterated Armenia’s commitment to the one China
policy, considering the People’s Republic of China as the only
legitimate government representing China as a whole.

For his part, Tian conveyed Chinese President Hu Jintao’s warm
greetings and best wishes to Sarksyan.

He said the Chinese government was willing to deepen the Sino-Armenian
ties on the basis of mutual respect, equity, and serving mutual
interests for the benefit of the people on both sides.

Yeghisabet Arthur:
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