Erdogan’s Words Rake Over Genocide Memories: RA Premier

March 17 2010

Threats voiced by Turkish Premier Erdogan about deportation of
Armenians from Turkey rake over memories of Armenian Genocide committed
in 1915, RA Premier Tigran Sargsyan said from the RA National Assembly
rostrum on March 17.

According to him, such statements make the international recognition
of Genocide even more urgent both by world community and Ankara,
meanwhile not assisting Armenia-Turkey reconciliation.

Sargsyan deems the issues on illegal migration should have the
diplomatic solution and states should smooth relations to achieve
that. He also noted that according to RA Government estimates, the
number of Armenian emigrants in Turkey is several-fold less than
Erdogan claims.

RA Premier stated, that Armenia adheres to its initial stance on
Armenia-Turkey relations, which boosts Armenia’s and its authorities’
international image. As to Turkish leadership, Ankara will not arrive
at relations’ normalization making such statements and estimates, if
it really wants to. "We do not wish to change our policy on this matter
after regular statement by Turkish authorities," Sargsyan emphasized.

RA Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan also delivered a speech, maintaining that
Armenian authorities unlike Turkish respect their signature.