‘If Necessary, We’ll Deport Armenians From Turkey’: Erdogan


11:15 ~U 17.03.10

If necessary, Turkey’s authorities can deport Armenians living
illegally in Turkey, said Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan,
replying to questions by Huseyin Alkan from the BBC Turkish service
in London yesterday.

"There are 170,000 Armenians in my country, of which 70,000 are my
citizens. We’re turning a blind eye to the other 100,000. However,
tomorrow, if it becomes necessary, I would say to those 100,000,
go back to your country. Why? Because they’re not my citizens; I’m
not obliged to keep them in my country," said Erdogan.

The Turkish PM also turned his attention to the passing of resolutions
which recognize the Armenian Genocide by various countries around the
world, saying that the crisis which results from such decisions will
harm Armenia itself.

"None of those interests us. None of those have room between Armenia
and Turkey. They’re [just] playing games for themselves. What
connection do those countries have with Armenia? Who gave them that
responsibility? They, with their approved decisions, are putting on
a show… And they’re harming the people of Armenia…," said Erdogan.

"We resolutely continue and will continue our policy based on the
principle of ‘zero issues with neighbours.’ However, when we are
showing our hand while the other side is showing a fist, there’s
nothing left for us to do. But we will always show our hand in the name
of reconciliation and peace, in the name of love. It’s enough that
the hand before us doesn’t become a fist…," said the Turkish PM,
while calling for countries who are friendly with Armenia to support
the process of normalizing relations between the two states.

Asked whether as a result of the approval of Armenian Genocide
resolutions, Turkey’s foreign policy finds itself in a tight bind,
Erdogan said, "There are no such issues at this time. Developments
connected to Armenia are not our but Armenia’s issues and concerns…

And currently, it’s necessary for Armenia to make a very important
decision. Armenia has to free itself from its dependence on [its]
Diaspora. If there are countries who like Armenia, such as the United
States, Russia and France, they should free Armenia from Diasporan

Asked whether the US House Foreign Affairs Committee approval of
H.Res.252 recognizing the Armenian Genocide will have a negative effect
on Turkish-American relations, Erdogan stressed that he continues to
believe in and trust the United States.

"I don’t think [the passing of H.Res.252 will affect Turkish-American
relations negatively]; that’s not possible. I wish to state the
following: Turkish-American relations have no relation whatsoever to
Armenian-Turkish relations. We have strategic relations," said Erdogan.