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Who Is Presenting Armenia On "Arabesk" Ballet Contest


March 17 2010

On April 18 -29 in Perm city of the Russian Federation will be held
a ballet contest "Arabesk" dedicated to the Soviet artist Yelena
Maksimova. On the contest 14 countries will be presented. The sources
report that 113 applications have been presented from Turkey, Ukraine,
Switzerland, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Lithuania and others. Armenia is
also in that number.

Aysor tried to find out who is participating in "Arabesk" contest. The
director of Yerevan State College of Dancing Armen Grigoryan
mentioned in the conversation with us that he doubts that Armenia
will participate, because it is the Armenian dance college who has
to apply, but he hasn’t yet.

"The Dancing College hasn’t applied, as for the Opera theatre,
I am not sure", – he said. Kamo Hovhannisyan, the director of the
academic theatre of Opera and Ballet after Alexander Spendiarian told
to Aysor.am that they are checking the details with the organizers
of the contest.

"They had announced but we didn’t have the conditions. We have asked
and they have send us the conditions and in two days we will decide
who will take part in it", – K. Hovhannisyan informed.

The director also informed that there will take part one ballet couple
on that contest and in a few days the names of the participants will
be known.

To the question why nobody partakes in the contest from Armenia Armen
Grigoryan answered, that they have very good dancers, but the ballet
dancers had performances and some other problems.

Tadevosian Garnik:
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