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K. Danielyan "The Forests Ingest The Hothouse Gases"


March 18 2010

The first national report of Armenia on Climate changes was presented
in 1998 where have been made previsions about the exhaustions of
hothouse gases in Armenia till 2010.

The main hothouse gases are CO2, CH4, N2O.

In Armenia in the main exhaustion of the hothouse gases the portion
of carbon oxide was 62.8%, methane made 34.2, nitric oxide has grown
with 3%.

Armenia has no responsibilities to reduce the exhaustions of gases
and is not included in the appendix 1 of the convention of the UNO
on Climate changes.

The annual exhaustion of the carbon gases in the world makes 5.6-5.7
milliards of tones. 115 millions of tones of methane is exhausted
from the swamps into the atmosphere. Growing rice is also a source
for methane.

The sources prove that in the last few years the level of the
exhaustions is reduced.

Karine Danielyan, the president of "In sake of stable human
development" mentioned that Armenia is giving less exhaustion then
the norm is, while when the industry was up in the country the number
of the exhaustions was bigger.

Armenia has accepted some rules, is realizing national and branch
development projects which promote the reduction process of the
hothouse gazes.

However Armenia as well has a problem of hothouse gases and as the RA
nature protection minister assured Armenia has to put all his efforts
to reduce the amount of the hothouse gases.

One of the projects of reduction of the hothouse gases, Aram
Harutyunyan, the RA nature protection minister, mentioned the usage
of bird excrements as a combustible.

Armenia is expecting to have a growth of hothouse gases reaching
23.000 tones if no measures will be undertaken and 15.000 tones if
the some steps will be considered. In both cases the main source of
the exhaustion is the sector of "Energy".

"At present we have around 8 million tones of exhaustion, in 1990
there was 24 million tones it’s not too much", – Aram Gabrielyan,
Head of Environmental Protection Department of MoNP, informed.

He also mentioned that for reducing the number of the exhaustions is
needed to save the energy and to produce energy by gas.

According to him Armenia voluntarily has taken the responsibility of
reducing the amount of co 2 by making energy savings.

The expert also recommends develop electro-vehicles like trolleybuses,
trains, etc. in the transportation sphere.

As for the usage of trams, Aram Gabrielyan noted that from the point
of view of nature protection it was a mistake to take the rails away
they were to repair them and use them.

The next step that the nature protectors suggest is the enlargement
of the green areas.

"We cut forests, we abolish green areas in the city which is very
harmful as it is the forests that ingest the hothouse gases", –
Karine Danielyan said.

For having a secure life generally one person needs 15-24 squares of
green area. In the Soviet times one person would get 12 square meters
of green area and would tend to reach 14-15.

In 2005 in Armenia one person had 4-5 square meter of green area. At
present the Municipality of Yerevan notes that one person in Yerevan
has 7-8 square meters of area.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS
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