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Talking Turkey About Armenian Genocide

By Tim Giannuzzi

Calgary Herald
M arch 18 2010

If you want an ugly reminder of the past to stay there, you shouldn’t
throw a fit whenever someone brings it up. This is a lesson Turkey
ought to learn sometime.

The world’s freest and best-developed mostly Muslim democracy has a
very large skeleton in its closet, one to which it has lately been
drawing a great deal of attention, despite harbouring a strong desire
that everyone forget about it completely. That lingering remnant
would be the Armenian genocide.

In the spring of 1915, the First World War was in its second year,
while the Ottoman Empire, the precursor to modern Turkey, was on its
sickbed and none too likely to get up again. Believing that their
Armenian inhabitants constituted a potential fifth column which would
work against the Central Powers (the alliance to which the Ottomans
belonged), prominent Ottoman politicians devised a deportation scheme
which provided cover for an organized attempt at mass extermination.

As many as 1.5 million Armenians met horrid ends.

Turkey has always denied any systematic murder and prefers to ascribe
the deaths to the chaos swirling around the Ottoman Empire’s last days,
but reams of historical evidence would say otherwise.

Various countries and groups have taken up the cause of historical
truth and recent weeks have brought more of the same. Three weeks past,
the Parliament of Catalonia, in Spain, recognized the genocide.

Two weeks ago, the Foreign Affairs Committee of the U.S. House
of Representatives squeaked out a resolution (by one vote) which
labels the killings as genocide and last week, Sweden’s parliament,
the Riksdag, passed a similar measure.

Turkey reacted to the moves as it always does, recalling its
ambassadors, cancelling conclaves and hinting grimly about the damage
each country has done to its standing with the Turks. The Swedish and
American governments, which each opposed the motions, appear to believe
this, with the former calling the vote a mistake and the latter, in the
form of the White House, promising to prevent the bill from passing.

The usual arguments cited for toeing Turkey’s line are its strategic
importance as a bridge between East and West (potentially as a
member of the European Union) as a transit point for Central Asian
oil pipelines, and the country’s NATO membership (Turkey has the
alliance’s second-biggest army and its Incirlik base is a major
staging area for U.S. efforts in Iraq). Dire things will happen,
it is often said, if Turkey is crossed over this issue. At the very
least, its slowly improving relations with Armenia will be hurt,
although these have stalled recently anyways.

Most of this is bunk. Canada officially recognized the Armenian
genocide in 2004 with insignificant consequences, as have nearly two
dozen other countries, and the Harper government ought to encourage
more nations to follow suit. While the Turks bluster and bellow,
they are not about to damage themselves by alienating their most
powerful allies just to distort the truth.

Turkey’s chances of joining the EU are slim since most Europeans
and an increasing number of Turks don’t want to see it happen, while
Incirlik is of diminishing importance as the U.S. draws down in Iraq.

The Turks are not about to give up the revenues they earn from the
pipelines, nor do they want a Russia-like reputation for erratic
behaviour, which would encourage potential customers to look
elsewhere. There are too many oil-rich competitors (like Canada)
who could potentially fill the gap.

Aside from the harm recognition of the Armenian genocide would do to
their puffed-up nationalist preconceptions, Turkish opposition centres
on fears of being forced to pay hefty compensation to their victims’
descendants. They can put their minds at ease. There is no interest in
forcing Turkey to make reparations, not least because plenty of other
countries have self-inflicted historical black marks which would get
undesired attention if they pushed Turkey to literally pay for its
crimes. In this case, a hug and a handshake will work fine.

Timothy Giannuzzi is a Calgary writer specializing in foreign affairs.

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