Turkish State Threatened To Expel 100.000 Armenian Immigrant Workers


March 18 2010

Turkish burgeoisie is singing the same old jingoist songs from the
mouth of Turkish PM. They threatened to expel immigrant Armenian
workers. Erdogan -the turkish PM- in his visits to England implied to
BBC that if the western states continue their recognition policy of
Armenian genocide of 1915, then they might expel Armenian immigrant

It is just necessary to remember that the birth of the Turkish state
was itself the result of the massacre of Armenian peasantry. In the
mids of the 1st WW, turkish ruling elite organised the bludiest ethnic
cleansing seen in history till then by killing around a million of
Armenians living in Anatolia. These armenians also contained the
intellectual vanguard of the working class of the time in the empire.

By expelling the Armenians turkish bureaucratic elites both confiscated
the Armenian peasants lands and burgeoisie’s property thus forming an
alliance sealed in blood among the Turkish landlords and state. And
they also "legitimised" the foundation of "turkishness" of the regime
in the face of a defeat in the war. The social basis of the future
Turkish Republic i.e., one of the first third world state capitalism
was thus founded on this premises.

Today the same massacre policy is shameleslly being pursued. Now in
their international game of imperialism they shamelessly proclaimed
to do the same this time with Armenian workers. Most of these
Armenians are immigrants from Armenia -which was previously in Eastern
Bloc/Russia -. After the fall of eastern capitalist bloc these people,
the majority of whom are women, came to Turkey. Majority of them
are working in domestic house works. The avarage salary is around
200-300 euros, one day off in a week etc. They are cleaning the shit
of burgeoisie. It is estimated that their numbers reach to 100.000

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