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‘Nig Aparan’ donated a song called ‘Ari Tun’ to Diaspora Ministry

‘Nig Aparan’ donated a song called ‘Ari Tun’ to the RA Ministry of Diaspora


YEREVAN: On March 19, RA Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobyan
received the delegation of the `Nig Aparan’ benevolent, patriotic and
non-governmental organization which donated a song to the Ministry
under the initiative of honorable chairman, RA Prosecutor General
Aghvan Hovsepyan.

The event began with welcoming remarks by Mrs. Hakobyan, followed by a
speech by Mr. Hovsepyan. According to Hovsepyan, the song donation is
an attempt to participate in the `Ari Tun’ project, which has already
become a state policy. Hovsepyan attached importance to the idea of
national unity promoted by the RA Ministry of Diaspora.

Following Hovsepyan’s speech was the live performance of the song `Ari
Tun’ by singer Leyla Saribekyan. The song was written by Sergey

After listening to the performance, Mrs. Hakobyan said `even the
golden Armenian language could not express her feelings.’ `The song
`Ari Tun’ is a gift to our people and our unity.’

Inspired by the performance, the attendees tried to perform the song
and started a round-dance with Mrs. Hakobyan and Mr. Hovsepyan.

RA Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobyan handed a letter of gratitude
to Aghvan Hovsepyan for his `pro-national and patriotic activities,
unprecedented initiatives, for conveying the Armenian air and spirit
to the activities of `Nig Aparan’ patriotic union and contributing to
Armenia-Diaspora partnership’.

In the end, the Minister handed gifts symbolizing the `Ari Tun’
project to the participants and emphasized that only through working
together will Armenians be able to create a `strong Homeland and the
Homeland of our dreams’ in order for all Armenians to consider moving
back to the Homeland someday.

Antonian Lara:
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