Armenian Church Of Saint Gregory The Illuminator Under Construction


2010-03-23 12:00:00

ArmInfo. Members of the Armenian-Russian Commission on
interparliamentary cooperation, being in Russian capital, visited
the towns of Vladimir and Suzdal.

As ArmInfo correspondent from Moscow reports, Armenian parliamentarians
and MPs of Russia’s Federal Assembly visited Vladimir-Suzdal
reserve museum in Suzdal, after which the delegations arrived in
the town of Vladimir. Parliamentarians of the Legislative Assembly
of Vladimir region and the Armenians parliamentarians met in the
House of Friendship in Vladimir. During the meeting, Head of the
Armenian delegation Aram Safaryan presented the structure of Armenia’s
National Assembly, as well as touched on the issues of the agenda of
the Armenian-Russian Commission on interparliamentary cooperation,
in particular, cooperation of the Armenian and Russian regions,
as well as the projects in economy.

In his turn, members of Russia’s Federal Assembly Igor Chernyshenko
said: "We are proud that just the Armenian-Russian interparliamentary
Commission, which is engaged in actual issues, is the most respected
commission of the Federal Assembly. Over recent years, we approached
the topic of interregional cooperation, that is a very important
benchmark as regards efficient work of our Commission", Chernyshenko
said. Representatives of the Armenian community of Vladimir were also
present at the meeting. They touched on the issue of broadcast of the
Public TV of Armenia in the town of Vladimir. As A. Safaryan said,
this issue will be solved with transfer to the digital broadcasting.

"The Armenian authorities pays much attention to the development of
telecommunications", Safaryan said and added that the indicated issue
will be solved by 2012-2013.

To note, 13,000 Armenians live in Vladimir region. The Armenian Church
of St. Gregory the Illuminator is under construction in Vladimir, on
the money of Chairman of the Board of Directors of Glavstroyzakazchik
building-investment Holding Razmik Blikyan. The ceremony of opening
of the Armenian church will be held in 2011. President of Armenia
Serzh Sargsyan and Catholicos of All Armenians Garegin the Second
will be invited to the opening ceremony.