Azerbaijan In Fact Recognized


10:56:54 – 22/03/2010

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Shavarsh Kocharyan
answered a "Mediamax" question in connection with a number of
statements of the Azerbaijani president.

"Mr. Aliyev announced another monologue about nonexistent dialogue.

According to the monologue, Azerbaijan essentially completed
negotiations with itself and something that it reached, in general,
is in the interests of Azerbaijan. However, with some exceptions,
perhaps, it cannot agree with itself", said Shavarsh Kocharyan.

Baku pretends not to understand the lack of any alternative to the
independence of Nagorno-Karabakh – either now or in hundred years,
or ever. Nagorno-Karabakh Republic took place in full accordance
with international law, the State, which managed to resist the policy
of ethnic cleansing and aggression of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan, being
forced to sign a truce with the Nagorno-Karabakh, in fact recognized
the independence of Nagorno-Karabakh in 1994", said Deputy Minister
of Foreign Affairs of Armenia.

According to Kocharyan, the statements of President Aliyev are direct
evidence of reluctance to engage in constructive dialogue to resolve
the conflict. Azerbaijan continues to inflate the bubble of illusions
arising from sitting on the oil needle, distortions of the nature of
the problem, the causes of conflict and the negotiation process.

Azerbaijan has the opportunity to withdraw its troops from the
occupied territories of Nagorno-Karabakh and to begin negotiations with
Nagorno Karabakh before this excessively bloated bubble of illusions,
distortions, and smug bragging bursts", said the Foreign Ministry
of Armenia.

Recall that Aliyev said that the settlement has entered a crucial
phase, and they hope that the conflict will be resolved within the
territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.