Giving Karabakh Would Mean The End


11:50:15 – 22/03/2010

In answer to a Euronews question in connection with the readiness
of Armenia to make concessions to settle the Nagorno-Karabakh issue,
Serge Sargsyan answered that we first of all, dwell on right of the
Karabakh people to self-determination. As soon as this issue is solved,
the rest of the issues will be easily solved. He said we are interested
in the settlement of the conflict to restore peace and security in
the region, but not to give Karabakh to Azerbaijan which will mean
Karabakh’s end of existence.

In response to the reporter’s question that Azerbaijan said it will
never recognize the independence of Karabakh, Serge Sargsyan answered
that the international society proposes to solve this issue based on
three main principles of international right – self-determination,
territorial integrity and non-use of force. "Seizing the opportunity
I would like to appeal to Azerbaijan to use the option on non-use of
force. We have always stated what we understand under the territorial
integrity of Azerbaijan, let them say what how they understand the
right of Karabakh people to self-determination", sais Serge Sargsyan.