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Russia’s Javakhq-Armenians Preparing To Protest



Russia’s Javakhq-Armenian community have, on numerous occasions,
appealed to Georgian authorities and international organizations,
drawing their attention to the issues of Javakhq-Armenians and
Georgia’s ethnic minorities. However, nothing has changed, according
to a release issued by the Javakhq-Armenian community in Russia.

Javakhq-Armenians are disappointed that European and North Atlantic
democratic institutions are turning a blind eye to their issues.

As noted in the release, Russia’s Javakhq-Armenian community is
preparing to organize protest demonstrations which will continue
until clear actions have been taken to stop violating the rights and
freedoms of ethnic minorities in the Samtskhe-Javakhq-Tsalka region
and in Georgia in general.

The Javakhq-Armenian community in Russia is calling on Georgia’s
opposition parties and NGOs that protect the rights and interests
of Georgia’s ethnic minorities, as well as international bodies to
support them and join their protest rallies.

Javakhq is a region in Georgia with a large ethnic Armenian
population. There have been several protests and clashes with police
about the treatment of Javakhq-Armenians, who say they have experienced
discrimination and their rights violated by the Georgian authorities.

Nalbandian Eduard:
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