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Turkish NGOs Put Premier To Shame


March 22 2010

A number of Turkish NGOs addressed an open letter to Prime Minister
Recep Erdogan, putting him to shame for his recent threats to deport
illegal Armenian immigrants. The first phrase in the letter is "Shame
on Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan!"

The authors demanded an end to a disgraceful political bargain "behind
the unprotected immigrants’ back." The NGOs stressed that Premier
Recep Erdogan decided to vent his anger at the resolution approved
by the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs on
the Armenian immigrants. According to the letter, vulnerable Armenian
migrants have lately become "easy prey" for Turkish politicians. They
have become target despite the fact that they do not enjoy any right to
social protection or personal security. The fact they are constantly
facing the risk of being deported and are repeatedly reminded of
the threat recalls Ottoman Turkey’s policy toward Armenians, says
the letter. According to the letter, Premier Erdogan is only able
to frighten defenseless Armenian immigrants. The authors remind the
Turkish Premier that no one leaves his Homeland for pleasure and no
one stays in a foreign country if he is unable to find a job.

The Turkish authorities’ attitude toward the immigrants is a
disgraceful hate crime. The fate of thousands of peoples must not be
played in struggling against resolution approved by third countries’
Parliaments, says the letter.

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