Parliamentary Delegation Of Belarus Visits Tsitsernakaberd


MARCH 23, 2010

YEREVAN, MARCH 23, NOYAN TAPAN. During the official visit to Armenia,
the Belarusian parliamentary delegation headed by Valery Ivanov, Vice
Speaker of Belarusian parliament, and Hrayr Karapetian, Chairman of the
RA National Assembly Standing Committee of Defence, National Security
and Internal Affairs, Chairman of the interpaliamentary commission
on cooperation between the parliaments of Armenia and Belarus,
went on March 23 to Tsitsernakaberd and laid flowers and wreaths at
Monument to the Victims of the 1915 Armenian Genocide. They observed
a one-minute silence in remembrance of 1,500,000 innocent victims.

Then the high-ranking guests went to the Genocide Museum where they
became acquainted with the documents bearing witness to the Armenian

The vice speaker of the Belarusian parliament made notes in the book
for honorary guests.

The press service of the RA National Assembly reports that on the
same day the interparliamentary commission on cooperation between
the parliaments of Armenia and Belarus held meetings in the Armenian

The Belarusian delegation met with Nerses Yeritsian, Armenian Minister
of Economy, Co-Chairman of the Armenian-Belarusian Intergovernmental
Commission on Economic Cooperation. During the meeting the sides
discussed issues related to cooperation in industry, agriculture
and other sectors, and to the Intergovernmental Commission’s sitting
scheduled for April.

The necessity to strengthen relations of the parliaments of the two
countries, their cooperation in international organizations were
discussed at the meeting with David Harutyunian, Chairman of the RA
National Assembly Standing Committee of State and Legal Affairs. The
sides expressed a high opinion about Armenian-Belarusian ties and
attached importance to their cooperation in international organizations
where the two countries always support each other.