Public Accord


14:27:55 – 23/03/2010

Avetik Mejlumyan: social worker, candidate of philosophical science

What would you say about the current historical period?

I have the feeling that we are living a period of uncertainty. Two
years ago, the situation was much clearer and people either agreed or
disagreed with it. Different people give various interpretations of
the situation, even if all of them are right, they do not describe
the situation wholly, so I think it is uncertainty. Possibilities
and their implementation also contain uncertainty.

Are models of state building not right?

They are right but the direction of the thought is wrong. Everyone
stresses the need to find something new, new ideas but they are
not going to change fundamentally the situation. In other words,
I have the impression that just the variety increases. Ideas about
approaches are better to be found.

What kind of mechanism do you propose?

The main responsibility for proposing such a mechanism should be
allocated to the political opposition. Often you can hear opinions that
the approaches of the Armenian National Congress are not different from
the approaches of the power. But I think that is not the case. Congress
also went down the wrong path, offering "100 economic steps"; the
problem is not the aim but again the mechanisms.

Congress should propose a plan for limiting its own power in the
future. This could be the best guarantee, and people would begin to
join, there would appear a new movement. For example, if there is a
monopoly, it means that there are systemic problems. I, as a carrier
of oppositional ideas, would like to receive assurances that the
opposition, when coming to power, intends to make steps to limit its
own power. The same goes for the judiciary, in dealing with the media.

Does opposition have to give guarantees to win next elections?

I think it can bring more changes than the debate about ideas. Now
I’m important to know which models will be applied. It even does not
matter whether it is a socialist or capitalist model. Broad public
masses can be consolidated only if there are guarantees and confidence
in the new force.

Before the election, Ter-Petrosyan said he was coming for three years.

Ter-Petrosyan defined a clear time but he did not define the actions he
intended fulfilling. The lack of confidence and attention of the public
is determined by the lack of guarantees. The possibility for changes
will increase if a force shows guarantees for further limitation of
its power.

Here is an example: in a society there is a category that is
involved in electoral processes, but its opinion is clearly not
evident, although the fraud carried out by their hands. That is the
falsification of elections became some kind of culture. This category
will offer its services to all, and one of the guarantees could be
the promise not to involve in the election the groups which already
participated. Instead, they may be involved non-party youths enjoying
the authority of the people in society.

Is change of power possible?

I see such a possibility because there is a big field of
possibilities. The more the uncertainty is, the bigger the possibility
for a change of power is. I think "100 steps" was proposed as a
compromise. What are the guarantees of the opposition that coming to
power it will fulfill that program?
From: Baghdasarian